Luther Kindertagesstätte Bad Steben

0-10 Jahre

Luther Kindertagesstätte Bad Steben
Humboldtstraße 19
95138 Bad Steben
Funding authority
Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Bad Steben
Poststr. 1
95138 Bad Steben
09288 3682140 (Andrea Lang, Katrin Wegmann)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysFreitag bis 15.00 Uhr,
Winterschließzeit, Sommerschließzeiten, Konzeptionstag (ca. 27 Schließtage)
Foreign languages German
Denomination evangelic
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information

Dear parents and everyone interested,

you con easily find all the important information about the "LUTHER DAY CARE CENTRE" on our website:


Luther Kindertagesstätte Bad Steben | Kinder stark machen für Schule und Leben

Enjoy your visit!



The Luther daycare centre consists of three crèche groups, three kindergarten groups and three after-school groups. These can be found at three locations in Bad Steben. Haus Martin in the Heinrich-Völkel-Straße houses two crèche and two kindergarten groups. Haus Katharina in the Humboldtstraße has one crèche, one kindergarten and one after-school care group. All other children of the after-school care have their rooms in the school building in the Kellermannstraße. 




Lunch is prepared freshly every day and delivered by the Diakonie Martinsberg housekeeping service. Participation in lunch is voluntary, alternatively you can bring a snack from home. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/02/2025 11:15:44)