
ab den ersten Geburtstag bis zum Schuleintritt

Wüstenbrummer Str. 4
95111 Rehau
Funding authority
LamiKita gGmbH
Zehstr. 2
95111 Rehau
092835953014 (Neetje Brandt)
Opening times6:30 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days2 Wochen in den Sommerferien;
2 Wochen über den Jahreswechsel;
1 Woche in den Osterferien;

2-3 Konzeptionstage pro Jahr
Specially educational concept Montessori education, partially open concept, Waldorf education
Therapeutic support early advancement
Extras Barrier-free, Child care for physical education, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)

Current information




  • Our speciality is our vegetarian, seasonal and regional fresh cuisine with organic products (Ökoring Südbayern), which are freshly prepared daily by two cooks. The children's 360° view of nutrition is made possible by growing their own fruit and vegetables and involving the children in the care, harvesting and preparation of the food. We offer breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack in this kitchen.
  • We consistently go outside every day. The children experience nature in all its facets in our one-hectare garden adventure world. The very large outdoor area offers the children a wide range of experiences.
  • Our aim is to provide working parents with the best possible support by understanding their situation. 
  • The parents at our daycare centre maintain a friendly and sophisticated relationship with each other and are actively involved in the day-to-day running of the daycare centre. 
  • The promotion and development of the children's social and emotional skills is particularly important to us. We keep an eye on the child's personality as a whole.
  • Experiencing mindfulness towards oneself, others and the environment is of particular importance to us. 
  • They learn through play. Curiosity and the urge to explore are encouraged through developmentally appropriate STEM programmes and developed in the game of chess.
  • It goes without saying that we make full use of digital technology in communication within the team and with parents. Our children are introduced to digital technology


The LamiKita has a building with approx. 1,300 square metres in which the children, families and the team can move around.
The crèche children have two similarly designed group rooms, each with a bedroom. The two groups share a large, light-flooded bathroom, a play and movement corridor and a dirt trap through which they can access the garden.
The kindergarten children have several rooms at their disposal in the partially open concept: two large group rooms, which are designed as a construction room and studio, a role-play music room with a large stage, a research room with a workbench, a room for digital education, the quiet room, which is also used for quiet time after lunch, a large multifunctional room for movement and the kitchen. They share two bathrooms and a further dirt trap.

Outdoor Facilities

We consistently go outside every day. The children experience nature in all its facets in our one-hectare garden adventure world. The very large outdoor area offers the children a wide range of experiences.
At the LamiKita, the outdoor adventure area is on a par with the indoor adventure area. Through daily exercise and play in nature, the children experience self-awareness and self-efficacy. This is where the children can let off steam: romping, running, climbing and much more. The huge outdoor area offers the right thing for all the children's needs.
Spending time outdoors every day strengthens the children's health and well-being. Fresh air and exercise boost the immune system, while changing weather conditions train adaptability and resilience. Outside, children can experience nature with all their senses, which promotes their perception, creativity and curiosity. They also learn to move around safely in different environments and experience the seasons up close. This daily experience of nature lays a valuable foundation for healthy and balanced development.

Daily Schedule

The daily routine begins between 6.30 and 7.30 a.m. with an assembly group for kindergarten and crèche children, which meets in the foyer and the gym. For the crèche children, free play then takes place in the group room from 7.30 a.m. before the children gather at 8.30 a.m. for a small morning circle. After breakfast, which is eaten until around 9.30 am, there is an activity phase from 9.30 am to 11.00 am. Free play, activities and outdoor activities take place during this time. Around 11.00 a.m., the children tidy up together and prepare for lunch, which takes place from 11.15 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. Sleep time lasts from 12:00 to 14:00. During this time, there is a pick-up stop. 
From 14:30, the crèche groups are merged. The children then enjoy an afternoon snack until 3.00 pm, before the day ends with free play time from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm. During this phase, activities or outdoor activities are also available.
The kindergarten children also go to their areas from 7.30 a.m. and can choose between the creative room and the construction room - depending on their needs and mood for the day. The flexible breakfast starts at 8.00 am and ends at 9.30 am. From 9.30 to 10.00 a.m., the focus is on teaching cleanliness. While a contact person from the team supports the children in this area, the other children remain in free play. This is followed by four morning circles from 10.00 to 10.15 a.m., which are divided into age groups. These provide a constant opportunity to observe the children's development and discuss topics and interests.
An activity phase follows from 10.15 to 11.45 a.m. with flexible daily activities, a daily garden time and project time. Lunch for Group 1 begins at 11.45 a.m. and lasts until 12.30 p.m., accompanied by hygiene and preparation measures. Group 2 then eats from 12:30 to 13:15. Meanwhile, Group 1 has a closed rest period from 12:30 to 13:00 with a pick-up stop. Younger children have the opportunity to sleep in the next room from 12:30 to 13:30. Group 2 has its quiet time from 13:15 to 14:00, also with a pick-up stop.
From 14:00, the children can play freely in the functional rooms. This is also pick-up time. From 14:45 to 15:30, the children enjoy an afternoon snack, which they prepare and eat together. The day ends with a further free play phase from 15:30 to 17:00, which is enriched by activities or outdoor activities.


Our speciality is our vegetarian, seasonal and regional fresh cuisine with organic products (Ökoring Südbayern), which are freshly prepared daily by two cooks. The children's 360° view of nutrition is made possible by growing their own fruit and vegetables and involving the children in the care, harvesting and preparation of the food. We offer breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks in this kitchen. The kitchen and in particular the bistro tables are cosy and lovingly decorated places that give the children a cultivated table culture.
The kindergarten children decide for themselves when they want to eat breakfast, regardless of their group. They take a clean plate and help themselves to the buffet. Two carers supervise breakfast, making sure that every child eats breakfast.
Lunch takes place in the kindergarten in two groups in a cosy atmosphere. The children set and clean their own tables. Lunch together is also a highlight of the day for the crèche children. They eat in their group rooms accompanied by the team at small table groups.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/02/2025 13:40:23)