Kommunaler Kinderhort Konradsreuth

Kommunaler Kinderhort Konradsreuth
Schulstr. 7
95176 Konradsreuth
Funding authority
Gemeinde Konradsreuth (LK)
Hofer Str. 8
95176 Konradsreuth
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysbis zu 30 Tage pro Hortjahr
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept open concept
Extras care with lunch


The Konradsreuth after-school care center is a socio-educational facility for children in grades 1 to 4 at the Konradsreuth elementary school. The children attend the facility before the start of lessons, after the end of lessons and sometimes also during the vacations. The mission of our facility is the education, care and upbringing of children outside of the family and school. Close cooperation with the school is important to us in order to achieve the best possible encouragement and support for the children. We want to include as many areas of the children's lives as possible and work in partnership with parents and the school.

Our after-school care center works according to an open concept, which is not only important for the children's self-determination, but also for their personal development. This means that all children are allowed in all rooms and all supervisors are responsible for all children.

Through activities and fixed groups during lunch, as well as through daily interaction with the caregivers and with each other, the children are encouraged to develop their social skills, among other things.

It is important to us to convey humanistic values and norms, which happens both during the daily routine and specifically in group work.

Our educational concept in the after-school care center is designed to provide regular support for the children.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 01:22:26)