Kath. Kindergarten St. Pius

Kath. Kindergarten St. Pius
Beethovenstraße 55 a
95032 Hof
Funding authority
Katholische Gesamtkirchengemeinde Hofer Land
Nailaer Straße 7
95030 Hof
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days25
Foreign languages German, English, Polish, Romanian, Turkish
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, intercultural education, livebased approach, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care, language education

Current information






Language helps to open up the world, express oneself and make contact with the environment. We are a language kindergarten and employ an additional language specialist. Everyday integrated language development - for both German-speaking and non-German-speaking children - is a priority for us. 

Participation: The children are allowed to participate in all decisions that affect them according to their age and abilities.

We are subsidised by a European social fund, which enables us to finance additional staff hours.

The centre is run by the Catholic Church and is attended by children from different religious backgrounds; we are guided by the church's annual cycle and the associated festivals and teach our Christian values. 


The kindergarten accommodates three groups of children on two levels. The rooms for the additional pre-school group are located in the neighbouring community centre. Each group room has a small adjoining room. The children enjoy playing in the gym and in the large entrance hall, which also houses the children's library. The children eat all their meals in the kitchen bistro.

The kindergarten has a garden with play equipment, lots of nooks and crannies and a large tree population.

Outdoor Facilities

We have a garden behind the house, which encourages the children to get plenty of exercise.  We spend as much time outdoors as possible. The children love the harvest time with apple and plum trees, hazel bushes and in the raised bed. Once or twice a year, staff, parents and children get together to work in the garden.

There are many playgrounds in the neighbourhood that we enjoy visiting.

Daily Schedule

We work partially open. In the morning, all children meet in an assembly group. From here, the children split up into their home groups.

Breakfast is served in the kitchen bistro for all children from 8 a.m. onwards.

In the morning, there are various activities in the home groups. They do handicrafts, read, play, sing, paint, do gymnastics, etc. The garden and gym are open to children from all groups.

Music lessons from an external provider and our German courses also take place in the mornings.

After lunchtime (in a flexible form in the kitchen bistro) there is a nap for our youngest children. Afterwards, the children from all groups come together to play. On Thursdays, the ‘Safety Kids’ programme of the Schutzhöhle and our own afternoon activities take place.


The children bring food from home for snacks in the morning and afternoon.

Lunch is delivered to us by Kultur-Catering. The food is flavoured to suit the children and is very tasty.

The children are provided with fruit, vegetables and yoghurt every day as part of the European school fruit and vegetable programme.

As part of the Kulinarix project, we are currently focussing intensively on the topic of ‘healthy eating’.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/03/2025 15:11:02)