Kath. Kindertagesstätte St. Klara

12 Monate - Ende 3. Klasse

Kath. Kindertagesstätte St. Klara
Anton-Richter-Weg 3
95126 Schwarzenbach/Saale
Funding authority
Katholische Gesamtkirchengemeinde Hofer Land
Nailaer Straße 7
95030 Hof
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days25+
Foreign languages German, English, Russian
Extras care with lunch

Current information

We cordially invite you to our daycare festival on 23 May 2025 at 15:00. With fun and games, as well as food and drink, you have the opportunity to get to know our centre without obligation.


Our crèche is open Monday - Thursday from 7:00 - 15:00 and on Friday from 7:00 - 14:00.

Our kindergarten is open Monday - Thursday from 7:00 - 16:30 and on Friday from 7:00 - 14:00.

Outdoor Facilities

The children have access to a large natural outdoor area with a variety of play options for their daily play.


The children receive a freshly prepared lunch every day. Our in-house chef cooks child-friendly meals.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/01/2025 11:48:09)