Kath. Kindertagesstätte St. Josef Rehau

In der Krippe nehmen wir die Kinder von 6 Monaten bis 3 Jahren auf. In den Kindergartengruppen ist die Altersstruktur gemischt von 2 bis 6 Jahren

Kath. Kindertagesstätte St. Josef Rehau
Ascher Str. 14
95111 Rehau
Funding authority
Katholische Gesamtkirchengemeinde Hofer Land
Nailaer Straße 7
95030 Hof
092838994322 (Rosa Fichter)
Opening times6:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:30 AM o'clock
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, inclusion, livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information

The opening hours of our daycare centre are

Monday-Thursday 06:00 to 16:30
Friday 06:00 to 15:00

Core time: 08:30 - 12:00


A WARM WELCOME to our Kath. Kita St. Josef page,

here you will find some information about our day care centre.
We would be delighted if you would arrange an appointment with us to have a look at the daycare centre and get to know the staff.

Our daycare centre works with mixed-age groups. In the crèche: 0-3 years and in the two kindergarten groups 2-6 years.

We work according to a situation- and development-orientated approach.

The focus of our educational work is to recognise the needs and abilities of each individual child through observation and to support them accordingly. We also encourage consideration for others, tolerance towards everyone, mutual respect and especially the elimination of prejudices.

Every child is an independent personality.
In our daily work, we support the children according to their level of development and accompany them in their learning successes.
We do this with regard to the Christian co-operation between family, daycare centre and Catholic community.

Every child is unique.
We respect and value the child as an independent personality
We pick up the child where it stands.
Every child has their own individual pace of development
Our daycare centre sees itself as an institution that complements and supports the family.



Our groups

  • Igel-Minis Krippengruppe 0-3 years
  • Mäusegruppe 2-6 years
  • Bärengruppe 2-6 years


Each group has

  • Group room with low kitchenette and two play levels
  • Group side room / crèche: Sleeping room
  • Cloakroom
  • Child-friendly toilet and washing facilities, crèche: nappy-changing area

Other rooms

  • Gym with materials room
  • Kitchen and dining area
  • Sleeping room

Various play areas

  • Doll's corner
  • Building area
  • Dining area
  • Colouring tables
  • Recognition pictures

Each child has a recognisable picture:

In the cloakroom

  • On the towel rail
  • On the property locker

Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area has:

- Green space for free play
- Paved area for vehicles
- Sandpit
- Various play equipment
- Children's workshop
- Equipment room

Daily Schedule

Our daily routine in the crèche - Igel-Minis

6.00 a.m.

The daycare centre opens. Early morning group 6.00 a.m. - 7.30 a.m.
Children are brought and welcomed by their parents.

8.15 a.m.
Snack together

From 09.15 a.m.
Activities, morning circle, free play, time in the garden or walks in the neighbourhood

11.00 a.m.

11.45 am - 1.30 pm
Afternoon rest

From 14.00 hrs  
Snack, followed by free play in the group room, gym, garden

Our daily routine in the kindergarten groups - mouse group, bear group:

6.00 - 7.30 a.m.
Early morning group 

From 7.30 a.m.
Free play in the respective group (during this time we often offer voluntary play and craft activities) until approx. 8.30 a.m.

8.30 a.m.
Snack together.

From 09.00 a.m.

  • Morning circle and learning activities in interest groups or the whole group
  • Projects
  • Sports in our gymnasium
  • Free play
  • Walks
  • Playground visits
  • garden

From 11.15 am
Lunch together

11.45 am - 1.15 pm
Bedtime in the nap room, relaxation story or quiet free play.

The pedagogical core time between 8.30 am - 12.00 pm allows us to work with your children in a targeted and undisturbed manner. Therefore, please ensure that you bring your child to us by 8.30 am.

From 13.30
Free play, learning opportunities from the morning are deepened

14.15 hrs
Snack together

From 15.00
Free play in the group room or in the garden




Breakfast / afternoon snack

The children bring their own food from home for morning and afternoon snack. All children eat together in their respective groups.

Once a month, our sponsoring organisation finances a healthy breakfast for the children. The children prepare this together with the staff and create a colourful and fresh breakfast buffet.


Lunch is delivered fresh by Season Family and is varied, tasty, healthy and balanced.
This must be paid for separately and is charged per day.

It is also possible to bring a snack from home for lunch.


In our groups, water (still, medium), various teas (unsweetened), juice spritzers and milk once a week are available to the children at the drinks station at all times.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 21/02/2025 10:45:19)