Evang. Kindertagesstätte Sonnenhügel

Evang. Kindertagesstätte Sonnenhügel
Am Hohen Stein 10
95191 Leupoldsgrün
Funding authority
Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Leupoldsgrün
Kirchplatz 1
95191 Leupoldsgrün
09292 6232 (Katja Kuchenreuther)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysAm Freitag schließt unsere Kindertagesstätte um 15.00 Uhr!
Extras care with lunch

Current information

We still have nursery and kindergarten places available from September 2025!

Our open day will take place on 17 March 2025 from 15:00 - 17:00. All interested families are cordially invited!


On the idyllic outskirts of Leupoldsgrün, surrounded by meadows and fields, our ‘Sonnenhügel’ daycare centre offers children a place to grow, play and discover.

We look after your children in:

Two crèche groups with 12 places each
Two kindergarten groups with 25 places each

Our spacious garden invites children to exercise and experience nature through their senses. The crèche has a large climbing area that offers numerous opportunities for exercise.

Our educational approach:
Our work is based on the Bavarian education and upbringing plan and a Christian view of humanity. We promote the development and education of your child with heart and diversity. Values such as playing, laughing, dreaming and the right to be happy take centre stage.

Together with the parents, we create a place where children can discover the world with joy and curiosity.



Day nursery

In our day care centre, we look after the youngest children in two lovingly designed crèche groups:

Children aged from approx. 1 year to 2.5/3 years are in good hands here.

The older Pusteblum children usually move to the Kornblümchen in September. This group is specially designed for children aged approx. 2.5 to 3.5 years and facilitates the later transition to kindergarten through a gentle familiarisation process.

Important note:
For conceptual reasons, admission to one of our crèche groups only takes place in September.


Varied play and learning opportunities in our kindergarten groups

In our two kindergarten groups, there are numerous lovingly designed areas that invite children to learn, play and have fun:

Doll's corner: Here the children can immerse themselves in role play and ‘prepare’ delicious food.
Building corner: Creative builders will find lots of construction vehicles and various building blocks here to let their imagination run wild.
Cosy corner: On the mezzanine level, the cosy corner offers a cosy retreat with lots of cushions and blankets. Here they can look at picture books, build camps or simply relax.
Dress-up corner: The opportunity to dress up and slip into new roles stimulates creativity and imagination.
Creative corner: Materials for painting, crafting, stamping and modelling are available in the group room - a place for little artists.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/01/2025 22:28:38)