Those who play, learn! Those who learn, live! If you live, you play!
Your child will be well looked after and will experience holistic education, upbringing and care by specialised staff in accordance with the Bavarian education and upbringing plan. This results in individualised support in a safe and secure environment:
The child gets to know new friends, new carers and a new environment. It encounters new ways of living together, new facts and content and learns to deal with them. They learn to be part of a group and to resolve conflicts.
They learn the basics of a Christian view of humanity through songs and stories and in everyday interaction and togetherness.
We paint, make things, do handicrafts and design. Here the children can develop their creativity, imagination and fine motor skills, for example.
The children play with different materials, colours, sizes and surfaces, etc. The children are not only mentally stimulated, but can also gain experience with their own abilities and skills,
Movement is combined with all areas of learning.
We want to awaken your child's awareness of their own body and their abilities and at the same time convey the joy of movement. We also encourage this by exploring nature in the garden and on walks
The morning circle is organised with songs, finger plays, rhymes, kneeling verses, music and dance and much more. Language, hearing, concentration and body awareness are encouraged during these activities.
During free play, daily meals together, learning activities, parties and birthday celebrations, the children gain their first social experiences and emotional moods.
We also playfully promote positive health education with a healthy breakfast and lunch.
We take enough time for attention and interaction with ‘our’ children during nappy changing and loving support on the way to nappy-free time and create a calm, balanced atmosphere at nap time