BRKcasa Montessori

Altersgemischte Gruppen

BRKcasa Montessori
Ossecker Straße 3
95030 Hof
Funding authority
Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz Kreisverband Hof
Ernst-Reuter-Straße 66b
95030 Hof
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days< 30 Tage pro Kita-Jahr
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, Montessori education, Emmi Pikler
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs

Current information

Welcome to the BRKcasa Montessori children's house!

Our integrative daycare center is a place where every child can develop according to their "inner blueprint" and play, learn and grow in community with others; true to the motto: 

"The path by which the weak strengthen themselves is the same as that by which the strong perfect themselves."  (Maria Montessori)                 


At our daycare center, we look after a total of 79 children aged from nine months to school age in three kindergarten and two crèche groups in accordance with the principles of the Bavarian Education and Upbringing Plan and the principles of the Red Cross.

As a Montessori facility, our daycare center is also based on the principles of Montessori education and is specially designed to support children with (potential) physical, mental or psychological disabilities.

Our daycare center is open Monday to Thursday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm and on Friday until 3:00 pm.


Thanks to its modern, barrier-free new building, our daycare center has numerous, optimally equipped rooms in which the children can play and learn according to the Montessori concept in an environment prepared for them.

These include...

  • three large and bright group rooms and two bathrooms in the kindergarten
  • two large and bright group rooms, each with its own bathroom and bedroom in the Kinderkrippe
  • the sports hall
  • the children's bistro
  • the studio
  • the children's library
  • the role-play and building corner
  • the Snoezelen room
  • the therapy room
  • the parents' waiting area

Daily Schedule

In the daily routine of our groups, times of free play/work alternate with times of joint activities so that there is an appropriate alternation of phases of (positive) “tension” and calm “relaxation”. Through a recurring daily structure with firmly established routines and rituals, the children experience safety and security. Of course, the individual organization of each day is always based on the children's current interests and needs.

These phases are daily recurring, important components of our day:

  • Drop-off time in the morning with free play
  • Joint morning circle followed by breakfast
  • Time for cleanliness education (washing hands, changing nappies, toilet/potty)
  • Free play time, walks/excursions, activities/projects from various educational areas, sports, garden...
  • Lunch together followed by a nap/lunch break
  • Pre-school time 
  • Pick-up time in the afternoon with free play


Our children's lunch is freshly prepared daily in the canteen of the “Landesamt für Umwelt” and delivered to us. Our caterer attaches great importance to the use of organic products and offers a varied mix of vegetarian dishes, desserts, soups and once a week a meat dish (no pork).

The children bring breakfast and afternoon snack from home. Once a week, parents prepare breakfast together. This offers the children a delicious selection of different types of fruit and vegetables, bread with various spreads, muesli, yoghurt and much more.

The children help themselves to both breakfast and lunch. They scoop the various components of the meal onto their plates themselves and are therefore free to decide what and how much they want to eat.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/01/2025 09:50:44)