Kindertagesstätte "Maria-Goretti"

Kindertagesstätte "Maria-Goretti"
An der Weinleithe 35
90513 Zirndorf
Funding authority
Gesamtkirchengemeinde Fürth Stadt und Land
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 5
90766 Fürth
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysFreitag von 07:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information

As a 5-group day care centre under Catholic sponsorship, our focus is on education based on the Christian faith. Promoting the religious needs and talents of the children is a central concern.

We take the first steps with the children to bring their faith to life and make it tangible. They should experience themselves in the community, feel trust and security. We support the children in overcoming their problems and take their fears seriously.

Our work is essentially based on the child's age, stage of development and individual needs. These three criteria form the basis for our educational work. For us, the focus is on responding to the child emotionally, physically and mentally and thus promoting the child's overall personality. We take the children seriously and respect them. We give them the opportunity to learn from each other and to play in a safe and secure atmosphere.

As a facility that complements the family, it is very important to us to guide the children to school readiness and to offer special support programmes for pre-school children. We convey age-appropriate environmental and social experiences and provide opportunities for reference and orientation. We promote the children's diverse forms of creativity and expression in a holistic sense. We want to help raise children to be self-confident, considerate and happy people, while respecting the uniqueness of each child.

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Daily Schedule

Daily routine kindergarten/crèche:

07:00 - 07:30 

We greet each other in a group - crèche children are also present

07:30 a.m. - 08:00 a.m. 

everyone goes to their group - free play time until breakfast

from 08:15 - breakfast time for the individual groups until 10:00 alternately

after breakfast:

Morning circle, various activities, projects, excursions

from 11:00 a.m. - Lunch for the individual groups until 12:45 p.m., alternating

Pick-up time from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

13:00 - 14:00 (12:00 - 14:00 in the crèche)

Rest period - no pick-up possible!

from 14:00 

flexible pick-up 

Free play

approx. 14:15 

Afternoon snack

15:00 - end

we all gather in the afternoon group



Every day, the children receive a varied and nutritious breakfast at our KiTa. 


Two cooks lovingly take care of the daily lunch in a child-friendly manner, which is fresh, varied and tasty.

Afternoon snack:

In the afternoon there is another snack. We offer the children a pot purri of fruit or vegetables.

Menus are prepared on a weekly basis and displayed for the parents!

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/09/2024 17:07:41)

Offered care types at Oct 22, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
24 Places
86 Places


Pedagogical focus

Our efforts are geared towards realizing the situation-oriented approach. Through play and small group activities, we enable the children to develop their imagination and creative powers. Younger and older children can relate their diverse experiences and skills to each other in joint activities and thus support each other in their development.

Our children can play an active role in shaping life at the KiTa. A conscious examination of values and norms takes place in daily life together. Rules are agreed together with the children. Rooms and their design stimulate the children's own active and creative activities.

Children should be enabled to express their needs and interests not only on their own but also in cooperation with others, to become aware of their own feelings, to gain joy of expression, to gain self-confidence in their own abilities and to show independence in their actions. They should develop a sense of self and self-confidence and thus become aware of their needs, wishes and aspirations.

We place trust in the children's abilities and expect them to do things in order to strengthen their self-confidence.

In addition, children should develop the ability to perceive the needs, wishes, interests and expectations of others and take them into account appropriately in their own behavior. This also includes questioning the validity of social values, representing their own interests in conflicts and acting cooperatively and in solidarity.

In our KiTa, religious education plays an important role in our educational work. We take the first steps with the children to bring faith to life and make it tangible. They should experience themselves in the community, feel trust and security. We support the children in overcoming their problems and take their fears seriously. We do not always have an answer to every question of faith, but we always try to deal with the children honestly and seriously.

We also orient ourselves to the church festivals. By celebrating these festivals together, the children experience themselves as an important part of their community in the KiTa and the church community.

It is also important to us to teach the children how to treat creation with respect through encounters with nature.

Despite all the planning and objectives, we don't want to commit ourselves too much to pre-programmed projects. We want to leave the children and ourselves room for the "unforeseen". It is important for us to have time to pick up on situations that are important to the children at the time so that we can work through them together. Our aim is to help the children grow into our world in small steps.

Teamwork with school

Zirndorf has two elementary school, Primary School 1 in Geisleithenstrasse & Mühlstrasse, and Primary School 2 in Bahnhofstrasse. We are in close contact with both elementary school.

As most of the children in our kindergarten belong to the school district of elementary school 1, we mainly cooperate with elementary school 1.

Two to three times a year, our future school children visit a school class and take part in lessons.

A primary school teacher looks after the children who take part in the German 240 preliminary course.

Once or twice a week, the primary school teacher comes to our facility to organize the preliminary course with the children.

We support both elementary school on the day of school registration with the school play. During this time, we support the teachers with our pedagogical expertise.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/09/2024 17:07:41)


Relaxation island for our middle children 

In this project, the children can learn to become aware of their own bodies during relaxation time. We also want to reduce the children's everyday stress. We want to give the children the opportunity to get to know each other better. 

The project takes place every 14 days for our middle children (one year before they are pre-school children)!

Dancing - early musical education

A dance teacher comes to our facility every 14 days, alternating with the quiet island.

Together with the crèche children, she provides early musical education and dances to selected rhythms with the little ones from the kindergarten.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/09/2024 17:07:41)
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/09/2024 17:07:41)

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