Kinderkrippe "mittendrin"

Krippe 1-3 Jahre

Kinderkrippe "mittendrin"
Luise-Rinser-Straße 2
90513 Zirndorf
Funding authority
Familienzentrum Zirndorf e.V.
Bahnhofstr. 35
90513 Zirndorf
0911 8101353
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days1 Woche Weihnachtsferien
1 Woche Osterferien
1 Woche Pfingstferien
3 Wochen Sommerferien
bis zu 5 flexible Schließtage
Specially educational concept Montessori education
Extras care with lunch

Current information

After a successful pre-registration in our facility, we will contact you with an appointment proposal to get to know you - so please be patient until we contact you.

Please also note that a registration fee of 100 euros is due when we confirm a reservation. This will be refunded with the first monthly fee payable when the contract is concluded.


Mission statement

As a private day care center, we value the children entrusted to us. We therefore show them love and respect as part of our educational responsibility. Respecting their respective origins and cultural backgrounds is a matter of course for us. All children have a right to security, independence and support in developing their abilities.

Our crèche sees itself as a family-like living space in which the children are given the opportunity to get to know and experience social interaction. We see the child as part of its respective family system. We know that there are different types of families and we treat them with respect.

Our image of the child

Your child discovers, explores and shapes its environment in its own very specific way. Your child's early learning character is characterized by their curiosity, interest and enthusiasm. Your child wants to get to the bottom of things voluntarily and of their own accord and concentrate on tasks they have set themselves.

We give your child time and space and accompany them on their journey. We encourage your child to accept themselves and other people for who they are. We encourage your child to be and remain open to good experiences with people.


Our crèche has the following facilities:

  • 3 large group rooms
  • 3 smaller side and quiet rooms
  • Children's cloakrooms
  • Parents' reception area with notice board
  • Kitchen
  • Staff room
  • Office
  • Children's bathrooms with toddler-friendly WCs, nappy-changing facilities and bathing/water play area
  • Separate staff WCs
  • 1 gym (kindergarten in the middle)
  • 1 exercise room
  • 1 materials room
  • Baby carriage room
  • Garden with outdoor play equipment, water construction site

Daily Schedule

The daily routine is characterized by stable, predictable and reliable schedules that give the children structure and security.

As a rule, we are guided by the following daily routine:

07:00 - 08:45  Bring time and free play time

08:00 - 08:45 Breakfast time

08:45 - 09:30 Free play time and morning circle

09.30 - 11.15  Specific activities, small group work, garden

11.15 - 11.45  Hot lunch

11.45 - 14.00  Bedtime, midday rest

approx. 2.30 pm snack time

until 16.00 Free play time in the house and garden

As a general rule, tired children naturally have the opportunity to retire to sleep at any time. After all, sufficient sleep is an important prerequisite for regaining strength and for healthy development.

Translated with (free version)


Health and nutrition

The healthy nutrition of your child is important to us. It goes without saying that nutritional and hygienic standards are adhered to when preparing food. A high-quality menu with a high proportion of organic food and drinks is put together in an age-appropriate, balanced and varied way.

Freshly prepared products are served for breakfast by the staff in the group room. In addition to a healthy breakfast, we offer a hot lunch - fresh from our kitchen - and a small snack in the afternoon.

A balanced and varied selection of healthy foods (fresh fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, tea, yoghurt, muesli...) ensures a good start to the day. Lunchtime meals are freshly cooked every day by our qualified kitchen staff, without the addition of preservatives, using regional and seasonal foods with a 60% organic content. Water and unsweetened tea are always available to ensure that every child gets enough to drink.

Eating together should be fun. It encourages communication in a loving atmosphere. Shared meals also offer the children a cultural and social event with rituals. They learn about eating and table culture, find out what they like and learn to assess and regulate their feelings of hunger and fullness.

If your child suffers from food intolerances and requires a special diet, it is necessary to discuss this with us in advance.

Children under the age of 1 must bring their own hot lunch, as our qualified kitchen staff cannot guarantee the current dietary regulations for this age group.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 10/09/2024 11:22:11)