Kinderhaus "klitzeklein und riesengroß"

Krippe 1-3 Jahre, Kindergarten 3-6 Jahre, Hort 6-10 Jahre

Kinderhaus "klitzeklein und riesengroß"
Herrleinstraße 6
90513 Zirndorf
Funding authority
Familienzentrum Zirndorf e.V.
Bahnhofstr. 35
90513 Zirndorf
0911 80197888
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days1 Woche Weihnachtsferien
1 Woche Osterferien
1 Woche Pfingstferien
3 Wochen Sommerferien
bis zu 5 flexible Schließtage
Specially educational concept Montessori education, nature education, Emmi Pikler
Extras Papilio, Pets, care with lunch
Pets In unserem Kinderhaus wohnen seit vielen Jahren Rennmäuse. Aktuell haben wir drei zutrauliche Mäusedamen bei uns. Außerdem besucht uns regelmäßig unsere ausgebildete Labradorhündin Lotte im Kindergartenalltag.

Current information

After a successful pre-registration in our facility, we will contact you with an appointment proposal to get to know you - so please be patient until we contact you.

Please also note that a registration fee of 100 euros is due when we confirm a reservation. This will be refunded with the first monthly fee payable when the contract is concluded.


Our mission statement

As a private day care facility for children from one to 10 years old, we at the children's home view the children entrusted to us with appreciation. We therefore show them love and respect as a pedagogical responsibility by offering them a safe haven and giving them time and space so that they can develop individually and feel “at home” with us.

Respecting their respective origins and cultural backgrounds is a matter of course for us. All children have the right to security, support and encouragement in the development of their personality.

Our children's home sees itself as a family-like living space in which the children have the opportunity to get to know and experience social interaction. We experience the child as part of his or her family system. We know that there are different types of families and we treat them with respect.


All of our six groups have a group room and an adjoining room. The crèche and kindergarten also have an exercise corridor. In the kindergarten there is also a large building area for all children. There is a bistro in the crèche for quiet meals. And in the after-school care center, in addition to the two group rooms, we have a homework room and a lunch room. The most popular room for all children is the gym.

You can find a picture gallery on our homepage at: Kinderhaus klitzeklein & riesengroß

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/01/2025 10:42:58)