Kindergarten "mittendrin"

Betreuung von Kindern von 3-6 Jahren

Kindergarten "mittendrin"
Luise-Rinser-Str. 2
90513 Zirndorf
Funding authority
Familienzentrum Zirndorf e.V.
Bahnhofstr. 35
90513 Zirndorf
0911 8101353
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days1 Woche Weihnachtsferien
1 Woche Osterferien
1 Woche Pfingstferien
3 Wochen Sommerferien
bis zu 5 flexible Schließtage
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, Montessori education, nature education
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs
Pets Bürohund Malou freut sich immer über Besuch1

Current information

After a successful pre-registration in our facility, we will contact you with an appointment proposal to get to know you - so please be patient until we contact you.

Please also note that a registration fee of 100 euros is due when we confirm a reservation. This will be refunded with the first monthly fee payable when the contract is concluded.


Our kindergarten mittendrin is located in the middle of Pinderpark. Our focus is on the child with its unique personality, its needs, its emotionality and its need for protection. The benchmark for our pedagogical work in Montessori education is the child itself and its development.

Our aim is to offer the children entrusted to us a child-friendly, prepared environment that is appropriate to their age and needs.

We want to help our children to become independent, actively form social relationships and grow into society. The children are allowed to explore the world with an open, curious mind and learn with enthusiasm.

By adapting the organization of the day, it is possible to offer the child free spaces that encourage concentrated play.

We attach great importance to play and exercise in nature, a healthy diet and an appreciative and open attitude.

Keeping pets

Office dog "Malou", who the children love to greet


Our kindergarten was built in a modern style and has three group rooms (sun, moon and star group) with large windows and work tables. The group room has its own kitchenette and cupboards with Montessori materials with different themes. The adjoining room offers painting and creative tables, as well as building and role-playing opportunities. The equipment in the rooms can vary depending on the children's interests. We focus on the interests and needs of the children. We change the toys regularly so that the children have a variety of options.

Each group has its own toilet and washing area and checkroom.

The children can use the corridor in small groups to look at books and play.

Two further rooms are available for small group work.

A large gym is equipped with climbing walls, gym mats and lots of small sports equipment (boxes, various balls, rings, hoops, cones, etc.).  

A room for development discussions with parents can be used in peace and quiet.

Weekly team meetings take place in the team meeting room. The children also pick up themed picture books from the library shelf.

The first floor can be reached barrier-free by stairs and an elevator.

The fresh kitchen for lunch is located in the extension to the crèche.

Outdoor Facilities

The kindergarten garden invites children to play, climb, swing and be creative. There is space to run and romp around. Trees and shrubs allow us to experience nature with all our senses on a daily basis and show us the different seasons. They also provide shade. In summer, playing with water is great fun for the children. Splash around with water in the mud corner or in the sandpit, use the spray hose and spray bottles with water for bathing fun.

Various play equipment and corners are available.

  • Climbing tower with slide
  • Sandpit
  • Nest swing
  • Floor trampoline
  • Seesaw
  • Wooden horse
  • Play and mud corner
  • Area for driving vehicles
  • Willow tunnel

Daily Schedule

The daily routine offers children a framework for security and orientation. It is not rigid, but can vary according to need and the current situation.

07:00 - 09:00 Bring time for the children, free play time

07:00 - 10:15 a.m. Flexible breakfast, except on Wednesdays, when there is a joint breakfast

09:00 - 11:00 a.m. Morning circle with conversations, songs, poems, stories, finger plays, picture book readings, etc.

Free play time, activities in small groups, introduction of Montessori materials, role play in the puppet corner, building in the construction corner, playing in the garden or in the gym.

11:00 - 11:15 Children and teachers tidy up together.

11:15 - 12:00 Stay in the garden, go for walks, visit playgrounds.

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch together in the group room.

13:00 - 13:15 First pick-up time

13:15 - 14:00 The children meet in the chair circle with various activities, such as quiet exercises, relaxation, circle games, stories. This is followed by quiet games or activities at the table.

14:00 - 14:15 Second pick-up time (open pick-up time on Fridays from 14:15)

14:00 - 15:00 Free play time and afternoon snack (Monday to Thursday)

15:15 - 16:00 Open pick-up time, free play time and / or garden time



Breakfast / snack

In our kindergarten, we attach great importance to talking to the children about healthy eating and exchanging knowledge about it.

Every Wednesday, the children prepare breakfast together in their group: fruit and raw vegetables are cut and placed on plates. Wholemeal bread is prepared with butter, cheese or jam. Or muesli made from yogurt, milk, different types of fruit and oatmeal. We bake together again and again. The children put their food together at the beautifully presented buffet.

On the other days of the week, the children can eat the "breakfast" they have brought from home between 7.00 am and around 10.15 am. This should consist of dark bread, savory toppings and fruit or raw vegetables. Please refrain from eating sweets such as milk slices, fruit dwarfs or squash.

In the afternoon from Monday to Thursday there is a small snack with fruit and vegetables.

Hot lunch prepared in our own kitchen

Lunch is freshly prepared every day. Our kitchen management and kitchen staff pay attention to quality, sustainability and, for the most part, regional organic products when purchasing. The menu is clearly displayed for all to see and is based on the German Nutrition Society (DGE).

"Cold food" option
Alternatively, children can also bring a cold lunch.

School fruit/school milk
We participate in the EU school program for fruit, vegetables and milk. We receive one portion of fruit, vegetables, milk and yoghurt per child per week during school hours.

Sufficient drinks - such as water, tea, milk and juices - are available.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 10/09/2024 11:23:21)