Städt. Kita Neye Spatzen

1 - 6 Jahre

Städt. Kita Neye Spatzen
Michaelstraße 2
51688 Wipperfürth
Funding authority
Hansestadt Wipperfürth
Marktplatz 1
51688 Wipperfürth
022678888688 (Robin Radermacher)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysFerienschließungen, sowie pädagogische Tage und Sonderschließungen, welche zu Beginn des Kita-Jahres bekannt gegeben werden
Foreign languages English
Specially educational concept child oriented education, Juul education, livebased approach, partially open concept
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, cooperation facility, full day care, overnight care


In the settlement of Neye, our daycare center "Neye Spatzen" was created in 2016 from the former special school. We offer care scopes of 25 hours, 35 hours and 45 hours. At 25 hours, lunch is not included. From 35 hours, the children stay over lunch and are picked up after the common rest and play time. We offer full-day care from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. with 45 hours per week.

The large, light-flooded rooms with the large window fronts create a very special ambience and provide a nice exploration environment.
Here the children have time and space to play, experience and try things out. - Gerald Hüther

We accompany and moderate these.
We are a colorful team, which ideally complements each other through experience and new ways of thinking. Each pedagogical specialist is seen here in his or her individual strengths and encouraged to bring these to bear. These can be found, for example, in our areas such as "House of Little Scientists", "Power Daycare", storytelling theater Kamishibai, art studio, musical promotion, forest and nature education, as well as differentiated movement offers.



Die entwicklungsfördernde Umgebung der Tagesstätte trägt dazu bei, dass die Kinder selbständig und spielerisch ihre Umwelt entdecken und Sinnzusammenhänge erfahren können.

Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area invites to play, romp, climb, try and experience through the large scale and the attractive equipment. We have two sandboxes, a balancing course, two swings, a nest swing and two climbing frames, there is something for all ages. There is also a wide range of vehicles and toys to choose from.

Excursions to the nearby forest are just as popular as activities at the public playground within walking distance.


Daily Schedule

Consistent rituals create a pedagogical framework and thus a sense of security and order in the kindergarten's daily routine.
Therefore, the daily routine is also divided into different sections, which at the same time offer enough freedom for holistic development.

Depending on the number of hours booked, the day begins at 7 am or 7:30 am. The bring phase ends at 9 a.m.
Every morning there is a morning circle which gives the children the opportunity to talk about themselves, sing songs, play games, discuss the kindergarten day or anything else that needs to be done.

The morning area is characterized by extensive free play phases. These can take place in the outdoor area as well as in the rooms of the facility. During free play, the children design their own play. They are free to decide what they want to do, where and with whom they want to play. 

The stimulating situation in free play has a positive effect on the child's developmental progress. By testing their abilities on their own initiative, applying what they have learned and trying out new things, the child makes significant learning progress - quite casually - towards the next higher stage of their individual development.

In addition, free play consolidates motivational structures. The ability to motivate oneself, so-called intrinsic motivation, is crucial for the joy of learning. This is one of the most important prerequisites for learning success at school and for lifelong learning.

During this time, various activities take place that the children can take advantage of.

Between 12:00 and 12:15 p.m., the kindergarten day ends for some children. For all others, lunch is served within the group. Lunch is provided by a local caterer (for more information, see the food section).

Afterwards, there is a quiet time where the children make themselves comfortable with their own pillows while listening to a radio play, a dream journey or a story. Here, too, the needs of the children are taken into account individually and we look at what the child needs in order to come to rest.

After this time, the afternoon begins, which is characterized by a free play phase. Between 1:45 p.m. and 4 p.m., the children who stay over lunch can be picked up.



Drinks and fruit are available to the children during the day.

In our facility, we offer lunch to every child from a weekly care time of 35 hours. This takes into account preferences, dislikes, allergies and culturally as well as religiously based eating habits. 

We are supplied by a local caterer who pays attention to regional foods and a balanced variety of dishes.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 01:18:05)