Kath. Kita St. Raphael Kreuzberg

Kinder von 2 Jahren bis zum Schuleintritt

Kath. Kita St. Raphael Kreuzberg
Westfalenstr. 38
51688 Wipperfürth
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchengemeinde St. Nikolaus
Kirchplatz 1
51688 Wipperfürth
02267-5381 (Frau Dörpinghaus)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days3 Wochen in den Sommerferien, zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr, ggf. vorher und nachher etwas abweichend, weitere Einzelschließtage
Foreign languages German
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, nature education, partially open concept, Science/Project methods, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care


Short concept

Our day care center St.Raphael is located in the middle of the village Kreuzberg  near the town of Wipperfürth.

With us, 45 children from the age of 2 to school start playing, researching, discovering and romping in two groups. There are two group rooms,  adjoining rooms and functional corners with offers in the various educational areas as well as a large movement and multi-purpose room. The  spaciousoutdoor area, laid out on two levels,  offers children the opportunity for a varietyof play and movement experiences. We use the forest, stream and meadows in the immediate vicinity to experience nature with all our senses.

The partiallyopen, situation-oriented conceptprovides  the basis  for  our  pedagogical work. Inaddition to the interests and needs of the  child, we pursue the goal of holistic promotion and the development and strengthening of the child's own competences. Our day care center  is a learning and experiential space that stimulates educational processes and lays the foundation for further education.

In everyday life, in the context of religious education work and through the organization of the festivals in the church year and regular liturgies of the Word, we convey Christian values. Children from other  cultures and religions are an enrichment for our kindergarten.

Our team consists of pedagogicalspecialists. We maintain and expand professionalism and professional competence through regular participation in further training courses and certification seminars.

In cooperation with five other Catholic day carecenters in the pastoralcare area  Wipperfürth and the family education center " Haus der Familie " we have certified ourselves as a Catholic Family Center Wipperfürth. This  cooperation  and the networking with other institutions of child and youth welfare make it possible to use numerous offers from the areas of education, advice and help for  children and  families in the Wipperfürth area.

We enter into an educational partnership with the parents and wish for a  trusting and open cooperation for the benefit  of the child. Parental participation in the various committees is legally based and expressly desired by us.

We are happy to inform interested parents personally on our visiting match day, every first Thursday of the month from 2.15 pm to 3.45 pm, or on another previously agreed date.

Your child and you  are cordially invited!


(If you are interested, please inform yourself in advance about the current corona protection measures of our institution!)




The kindergarten has two group rooms, each with an adjoining room and its own cloakroom.

Play corners in the hallway and the spacious exercise room complete the offer.


Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area is spacious and laid out on two levels. Here the children get the opportunity to have a variety of play and movement experiences. Climbing, rocking, sliding and balancing, experiments with water, earth and sand, mastering different vehicles and many more activities are possible here every day.


Daily Schedule

Bringing and picking up

Bring: 7 - 9 am / 2 pm (afternoon)

Pick-up: 12-12.30pm / 1.30pm-2pm / 3.45pm

The delivery and pick-up times result from the different care models within the scope of our offer.




The kindergarten offers a paid lunch at 12.30 pm.

Drinks (mineral water, tea) and a small fruit snack are available daily.


Phases of pedagogical work / rest phases

Times for free play, offers, projects and other activities are adapted to the needs of the children, as well as the rest and relaxation phases.



daily: movement construction site and stay outside during the free play times,

Integrated into everyday life, there are different offers for all areas of education.

weekly: gymnastics days, forest days/walks, drumming.




We offer daily midday care. With sufficient participation, there is a paid lunch. In small, cozy table groups we take our meals together.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 04:50:09)