Kita "Tintenklecks"

In unserer Kita können Kinder im letzen Kindergartenjahr (Vorschuljahr) ab einem Alter von 5 Jahren betreut werden. Ab Schuleintritt werden Schüler und Schülerinnen der benachbarten Dittes-Grundschule in unserem Hort betreut.

Kita "Tintenklecks"
Kirchstraße 8
08112 Wilkau-Haßlau
Funding authority
Stadtverwaltung Wilkau-Haßlau
Poststraße 1
08112 Wilkau-Haßlau
0375/ 60689910
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
late care6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysTag nach Christi Himmelfahrt, jeweils letzer Arbeitstag vor 24.12.
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept inclusion, partially open concept, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch
Pets In unserer Kita leben neben diversen Insekten im Terrarium auch Fische in einem Aquarium.

Current information

Our day care center is divided into two sections.

Preschool group
The preschoolers experience their school preparation year in our facility and are strengthened for the start of their new phase in life. The close proximity to the future elementary school and the students in the after-school care center is a good way to make the transition as easy as possible for the children.

In the preschool area, the children have access to a wide range of materials appropriate to their age. In several rooms, children can build, paint, do handicrafts or even dress up and play with dolls. In addition, there are areas for retreat and movement. Here, the children can learn and discover with all their senses, be creative and active themselves, or simply "unwind". The large recreation room, with several table groups, is used for breakfast and vespers or for group gatherings. A small kitchen can also be used for further learning activities.

All children of the Tintenklecks daycare center use the 1,700 square meter outdoor area with sandboxes, climbing castle, playground, hedges and berry bushes, ping-pong tables, wooden car, gazebo, gym, bird's nest swing, soccer field and shower area (used in summer) for recreational activities, depending on time and weather.

After-school care
The students of the neighboring Dittes Elementary School are cared for in our facility. In our facility, they experience the variety they need to make their day fulfilling. No matter if rest, creativity or romping role-play, here the children find the suitable area.

We care for the children of the Dittes Elementary School in our house. Due to the proximity of the two schools, there is a close-knit network. Thus, the children can commute on extremely short distances between the school and the after-school care center (traffic assistants secure the crossing of Kirchstraße). The rooms of the building are available for the early morning and afternoon care of the after-school children. On each floor, the children can move freely and also change between rooms. The group rooms are invitingly designed and offer many opportunities for the children to implement their own ideas. Homework is done on the basis of the homework contract written for this purpose. The toilets can be used by all children on each floor.


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