Kita Dutenhofen "Abenteuerland"

Wir bieten Plätze für Kinder ab dem vollendeten 1. Lebensjahr bis zum Schuleintritt an

Kita Dutenhofen "Abenteuerland"
Wingertenstraße 13-17
35582 Wetzlar
Funding authority
Stadt Wetzlar
Ernst-Leitz-Straße 30
35578 Wetzlar
0641-25112 (Frau Höhne)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days10 Tage in den Sommerferien (1. und 2. Augustwoche),
zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester,
1 Brückentag,
2 Konzeptionstage (1.Freitag im März und einen Tag im Herbst) und
ein Tag für den Betriebsausflug
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, partially open concept, Situation approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care, language education, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)


We focus on language support that is integrated into everyday life, experimentation, participation, active play and movement.

Since 2013 we have been certified as the "House of Little Sicentist". The scientific education of the children accompanies us in all areas.

In addition to the second crèche group, we have also installed a hiking group for 15 children since 2020.

Since 2021 we have been included in the federal program "Language Kitas" and thus have an additional specialist in the team.


Our day care center

We are an institution with two crèche groups, a daycare group and a hiking group. The group rooms are furnished according to need. The individual rooms do not have a fixed focus, but the focus of the rooms is based on the needs of the children. The game material is also changed regularly.

Between breakfast and lunch, the bistro becomes the experimental space for the "Little Scientists' House".

The small library invites the children to look at a book in peace or together with friends.

After the delivery time, the corridor between the crèche groups becomes a movement construction site and invites the little ones to explore their joy of movement and contact.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 10:44:40)