Integrative Kita "Schöne Aussicht"

ab Vollendung des 2. Lebensjahres bis Schuleintritt

Integrative Kita "Schöne Aussicht"
Jugendheimweg 3
08412 Werdau
Funding authority
Stadt Werdau
Markt 10 - 18
08412 Werdau
03761 183944
03761 2543
Opening times6:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysPädagogischer Tag,
Brückentag nach Himmelfahrt,
vom 24.12. bis 01.01.
Specially educational concept nature education
Extras Integrative facility, Pets, scientific orientation (e.g. KidsgoMINT)
Pets Zierfische im Aquarium


House of the little researchers


  •     explorative and active learning, MINT education
  •     encouraging creative, inventive and critical thinking

FREUNDE project

  •     Promoting life skills
  •     Prevention in the day care centre

Cooperation with the Umweltschule Werdau

  •     Monday "Clever-Kids-Club" for school beginners
  •     Forest week for C-K-C

Cooperation with the Senioren-Residenz "Am Sternplatz"

  • Project "Intergenerative Pedagogy"

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 02:35:54)