Integrative Kita "Pusteblume"

Integrative Kita "Pusteblume"
Braustraße 17
08412 Werdau
Funding authority
Stadt Werdau
Markt 10 - 18
08412 Werdau
03761 2519/3519 (Melanie Wunderlich)
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days02.05.2025
24.12.2025 - 02.01.2026
päd. Tage: 07.03.2025 & 24.11.2025
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept inclusion, Situation approach
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, early advancement, disability, mentally handicapped
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, curative pedagogy facility, full day care

Current information






Nice to have you here!                  

The integrative day care centre "Pusteblume" is located in the eastern part of the city of Werdau and has a spacious park-like outdoor area that offers a variety of play and exercise opportunities. The newly built water playground with 2 outdoor showers invites the children to splash around and to refresh themselves in summer temperatures.


In the "Pusteblume", divided into 2 adjacent houses, a total of 140 childcare places are available in 8 groups.

In house 1 there are 4 mixed-age groups for children from 3-6 years as well as our curative education group. The groups each have 2 rooms at their disposal, which invite them to play, relax and learn. Furthermore, the media room, the movement room, the therapy and Snoezel room as well as the children's kitchen in house 2 serve as possibilities to support the children's educational processes. The Saxon educational plan serves as the basis for this.

The crèche area, for children aged 0-3 years, is housed in our newly renovated House 2 in 3 mixed-age care groups. In each group area, the children have 1 group room and 1 bedroom with direct access to the terrace and outdoor area. In addition, there is a creative room, a movement room, a children's kitchen and a Snoezel room.

Done: Crèche is brand new | Freie Presse - Werdau              

We acclimatise our new "Pusteblumen" according to the Berlin acclimatisation model by the reference teacher with a parent. We attach great importance to a needs-oriented and gentle settling-in process. The child is the centre of attention and sets the pace. The settling in process is only completed when the child has built up an emotional bond with the caregiver and can be comforted.

From the first day in our facility, we prepare the children to develop into independent, creative, experimental, self-confident and responsible people. We base our work on the situational approach and the children's living environments. In doing so, we strive to support the children in understanding their environment and in shaping it independently, competently and conscientiously, despite their different social and cultural backgrounds.

Furthermore, it is important to us that the children learn from the very beginning how to interact in a spirit of partnership between disabled and non-disabled people. Our facility offers the necessary learning and experience spaces for this through our curative education and integrative support.

Meals are taken together in the groups. Parents bring their own breakfast and snack. Lunch and drinks are provided by our caterer "Zur alten Weberei". Individual arrangements due to e.g. intolerances or allergies are possible.

Good parental work and communication is important to us, so there are daily door-angel talks, annual development discussions, parent afternoons and quarterly parent council meetings. To facilitate the exchange of information, we have a nursery app in addition to the notice boards. This makes it possible for information to be passed on to parents digitally.


Offers & special features

  •     Early musical education by the "Clara Wieck" District Music School
  •     Kita-Chillies - EXPERIENCE DANCING
  •     Children's yoga
  •     Road safety education through Verkehrswacht Zwickauer Land e.V.
  •     Cooperation with the early intervention centre & therapists
  •     Cooperation with the primary school


Festivals & Celebrations

  •     Carnival
  •     Children's Day
  •     Spring or Autumn Festival
  •     Fruit and Vegetable Festival
  •     Sports festival with the Flizzy-Mouse (Saxon children's sports badge)


Daily routine in the day care centre


06.00 Opening of the facility

07.30 - 8.00 breakfast time

08.00 Free play, learning opportunities, individual support, outdoor activities, project work                                     

10.30 am Lunch for the crèche children

11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m. Nap time for the crèche children

11.00 a.m. Lunch for the kindergarten children

12.00 - 13.45 Nap/rest time for the kindergarten children

14.00 - 14.30 Vespers

from 2.30 p.m. free play, outdoor activities

5.00 p.m. The facility closes


Your contact person as head of the day care centre is Mrs. Melanie Wunderlich.



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