Kindergarten St. Franziskus

Wir betreuen Kinder ab 3 Jahren und dem Schuleintritt in altersgemischten Gruppen

Kindergarten St. Franziskus
Kanalstrasse 65
76356 Weingarten (Baden)
Funding authority
Röm. Kath. Kirchengemeinde Stutensee Weingarten
Gymnasiumstraße 16
76297 Stutensee-Blankenloch
07244/5377 (Kevin Liebl)
Opening times7:15 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days27
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, livebased approach, partially open concept
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


Under the motto

"We should try less to prepare the way for the children as our children for the way "

We "look after and educate" in accordance with the legal mandate and the recommendations of the Baden-Württemberg "Orientierungsplan" with great pleasure up to 84 children in our kindergarten . 
The uniqueness of every child, their strengths and interests are in the foreground - and the demands of real life guide us in setting goals for our educational work.
Guiding children in their daily growth in body, soul and spirit is an exciting journey for us every time.
The Christian model of our church community determines our attitude towards all large and small people who we are allowed to welcome here,  as well as those who are part of our team.
The children are allowed to put down their roots in their fixed groups, where they can find a sense of belonging and a social framework for their development.
They can spread their wings in our large outdoor area, the gym and other cross-group offers that they can freely choose and explore independently.
The milestones of our everyday kindergarten life are ...
... the Christian festivals in the annual cycle that we experience and shape with the children
... weekly hikes to explore the living environment in Weingarten with forest, moor and vineyards - as well as the shops and important buildings in the town center
... diverse offers for the body and senses, for language acquisition, social interaction and the exploration of one's own identity
... a lot of time every day to play freely in the groups and to run around and play in our garden and in the gym
... our school beginners projects that challenge intellectual potential, bring excitement into the last year of kindergarten and prepare a good transition to school.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/02/2024 11:14:25)