Kinderhaus Sonnenschein

Kinderhaus Sonnenschein
Karsthölzlestraße 9
79576 Weil am Rhein
Funding authority
Diakonisches Werk
Riedlistraße 16
79576 Weil am Rhein
07621/9869734 (Svenja Flügel)
07621/9869734 (Svenja Flügel)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days26 Tage
Foreign languages English, French, Russian
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


Sunshine-daycare centre

We treat each other in an open, friendly and loving way. We enjoy diversity and give the children time, space and freedom to develop. We support the children in their independence by offering them activities in various areas (creative area, music area, sports area, etc.). Above all, we emphasise the importance of building trust and relationships with the children entrusted to us.

Guiding principle:

‘It is essential that the child discovers as many things as possible for himself.

If we help them to solve all the tasks,

we deprive them of the very thing that is most important for their intellectual development.

A child who achieves something through independent experimentation

acquires a completely different kind of knowledge than a child who is offered a ready-made solution.’

(Emmi Pikler)


We want to give all child development processes the time they need.

In our view, the most important thing a child needs is the unconditional trust of their carers and the necessary freedom to develop according to their own abilities.


All information can be found at:



The rooms of the Sonnenschein daycare centre are divided into

1 sunflower group room

1 group room for the butterflies

with functional areas such as the building and construction area, the role-play area and the literacy area.


The daycare centre also has

1 studio

1 movement room

1 outdoor area (currently being renovated)


Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area currently offers the children a large sandpit, a climbing frame, a belly swing and a race track for the existing fleet of vehicles such as bobby cars or tricycles.

The company Bau-Werk is currently preparing an offer for the complete remodelling of the outdoor area.
We are planning to achieve the best possible result for our children in 2026 through a large-scale remodelling project.

Daily Schedule

You can find our daily programme under:


Nutrition in our daycare centre

Every child has the opportunity to eat their own breakfast until 9.00 am.

Lunch and snacks are then provided by the two kitchen fairies Anja and Salima.
They cook fresh food for the children at Kita Sonnenschein every day.
Lunch and snacks are 95% vegetarian and we attach great importance to local produce.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/01/2025 10:30:25)