Kindertagesstätte Villa Regenbogen

für Kinder von 12 Monaten bis zum Schuleintritt

Kindertagesstätte Villa Regenbogen
Spessartstraße 6
65396 Walluf
Funding authority
Gemeindevorstand der Gemeinde Walluf
Mühlstraße 40
65396 Walluf
06123 704957
Opening times7:15 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information


Our aim is to support your child and their development in a holistic and age-appropriate way. Every child should receive individual and optimal support. For most children, daycare is the place where they leave the family and take their first steps into public life. A new and important stage of life begins. Not only for your child, but also for you as parents. We want to make this transition a pleasant one for everyone involved by treating them warmly and lovingly.

Our educational work is based on the Hessian Education and Upbringing Plan (BEP). Under the motto "Education from the very beginning", the BEP covers the ages from 0 to 10 years with the intention of providing children with optimal and sustainable support as early as possible. The BEP stands for a pedagogy that focuses on the child with its individual learning requirements.

"The child actively grasps its environment and co-constructs its learning experiences".

Our image of the child

Children are equipped with skills and abilities from birth, they are the designers of their individual development. Even as newborns, children have the basic ability to develop thought processes. They strive to make experiences with all their senses.

Children make contact with their environment on their own initiative. They are capable of self-determination from birth. For this, children need a consciously designed environment and attentive adults who offer them a variety of opportunities and incentives for self-development and age-appropriate freedom of choice (participation).

Children should retain their curiosity and be prepared to constantly renew their knowledge and learn new things. From birth, children actively shape their education and development through research. They differ in their personality and their individual preferences and inclinations.

We see the child as an independent personality; every child is an individual. Our mission statement is to encourage children in their thoughts and actions and to support them in becoming independent and responsible individuals.

Our aim is to support every single child in the crèche and kindergarten individually and according to their personal development. We create stimulating and prepared environments in which the child finds opportunities to engage with their environment and experience different forms of play and learning. They can try things out, experiment, be curious, ask questions, make mistakes, be angry or sad as well as happy, thoughtful or anxious. The child learns to make friends, to explore the world independently and in a safe atmosphere and to build up trust in their caregivers.

Children have rights. In particular, they have a right to the best possible education right from the start. Because early childhood education is the foundation of a successful educational biography. We work towards this goal in our facility according to our educational concept.

Children explore the world in their own way. The acquisition of skills is based on their individual needs and interests. By observing the child's development, the educational staff determine what needs and interests the child has, what questions it asks and derive their educational activities from this.

As basic needs, security and well-being are important prerequisites for children's good emotional, cognitive and motor development. Our basic attitude consists of attentiveness, appreciation and authenticity.

Our goals and priorities at a glance:

  • structured daily routine as security and orientation aid
  • daily rituals
  • empathy
  • fixed rules
  • space for the children's natural urge to move
  • suitable play material
  • suitable play stimuli without overtaxing
  • opportunities to rest
  • individual time for the child during changing
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 01/03/2024 09:22:29)