
1,5 Jahre bis Schuleintritt

Am Schättlisberg 26
88662 Überlingen
Funding authority
Montessori Überlingen e.V.
Am Schättlisberg 26
88662 Überlingen
075519473117 (Cornelia Gericke)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days28 Schließtage:
Einzelne Ferienzeiten werden laut Ferienplanung bekannt gegeben
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, Montessori education
Extras care with lunch, full day care
Pets Aquarium

Current information


Our Montessori Children's House is located on the Schättlisberg of the city of Überlingen and is a family-supplementary facility in which children are cared for from the age of 18 months until they start school.

The basis of the work is the pedagogy developed by the doctor Maria Montessori. The child is welcomed with a lot of love and security and experiences a careful acclimatization. It can develop according to its level of development and in the spirit of Maria Montessori thanks to the loving support of our educational staff as well as the prepared environment.

The task and goal of the educational work is to encourage each individual child to deal with the natural, social, cultural and technical environment.

                                                            "The child is the builder of himself."



Our premises

  • the entrance area
  • the gym with a gym adjoining room 
  • Office of the Management
  • Office of the Deputy Head/ Office Worker
  • the kitchen
  • the bistro 
  • the staff room
  • the rest room
  • the crib with a kitchen and dining area
  • the three rule groups with a kitchen, a dining area and additional space for the building and doll corner
  • Sanitary facilities for crèche and kindergarten 
  • the material room
  • the work room
  • the painting studio 
  • the parents' consultation room
  • two separate garden areas 

Outdoor Facilities

Our children's house has two outdoor areas for two groups each. Here the children have the opportunity to pursue their urge to move. Climbing frame and swing allow the forces to be measured and driving with different vehicles promotes dexterity.

Animate shrubs to hide and build caves or just roll down the mountain.

In the playhouses, people cook, bake and invite you to tea.

The excavator rolls into the sandbox to support the construction site.

In the raised beds, which are planted with the children, vegetables and herbs grow and are used in the kitchen.


Daily Schedule

Our children say goodbye to their parents at the front door and go by their hands independently - wash in their respective groups

  • Our children's home opens at 07:30 a.m., the delivery time is until 09:15 a.m. at the latest.
  • 07:30 a.m. to about 10:30 a.m. is the free play time with free breakfast  (breakfast is served together in the crib)
  • 09:20 a.m. our morning circle takes place. We discuss the date, the weather, the day of the week, our activities for the day and sing our morning song.
  • 10:45 am / 11:00 am is our chair circle. This is usually theme- or project-related, we also celebrate birthdays, play a game or the educators offer new Montessori exercises.
  • 11:00 am is our garden time. Here we go to our garden or walk in the area
  • 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm is the first pick-up time. The pick-up takes place at the garden fence. In case of very bad weather, the children will be picked up at the entrance door / gym area.
  • Lunch starts at 12:40 p.m.
  • 13:15 to 13:30 is the pick-up time of the lunch children
  • 13:30 to 14:15 we rest together with the children in the respective groups
  • 14:30 to 16:30 we have our free spins again - and free pick-up time



Daily rich breakfast offer consisting of: spelt and wholemeal bread, fruit, vegetables, cheese and various spreads

Participation in the school fruit program (sourcing of apples from the region)

At regular intervals, we prepare a muesli day together with the children.


Lunch is provided by a regional cater service. Our friendly kitchen help distributes our lunch to the respective groups.

Through lunch together, the children learn table manners, patience and polite interaction with each other, which contributes significantly to taking the meal in a relaxed atmosphere and making lunch a pleasure.


Each child can also celebrate his birthday in the children's home with other children.

All food brought along (dry cakes, muffin, etc.) must be documented to ensure that children with food allergies are protected and any secondary diseases are avoided.

Clarify sweets and ice cream in consultation with the educators.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/10/2022 14:56:55)