Kleinkindertagesstätte Goldberg-Haus

Ab 6 Monaten bis 3 Jahre

Kleinkindertagesstätte Goldberg-Haus
Nelkenweg 6
88662 Überlingen
Funding authority
Goldbach-Haus e.V.
Nelkenweg 6
88662 Überlingen
075519897527 (Esther Henn)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Foreign languages German
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


The world of the child is sensory. The child needs to see, touch, taste, hear, smell and feel. Whether they sing and play together or go for walks in all weathers: making them feel and experience on their own is the central part of our work. Those who spend time outdoors naturally become very hungry. To indulge this appetite is the task of our cook Karin Kaspers, who cooks fresh food for the group every day. We use the best regionally sourced and organic ingredients as much as possible. The "bigger ones" are also allowed to help with the preparation. As soon as the freshly cooked food is ready, the children gather at the common dining table, which is very important because children need community.

Children have a right to tidiness and reliability. Without them there is neither security nor trust. That's why we organise the nursery day according to a fixed schedule which the children experience in a consistent group with their caregivers. In addition, we place great importance on the family-like structure of our facility, which we guarantee by the fact that there is only one group with a maximum of ten children under the age of three in our nursery.

Even though we are not bound to any denomination or ideology, our concept originates from a Christian and European culture, which is reflected in our work. Nevertheless, we make no distinction as to which religion, culture or social group a child belongs to.
Children are the future of our society. What we pass on to children today will be our present tomorrow.



The Goldberg House offers the following facilities for the children:


Group room

Dining area

Creative room

2 changing areas

2 bedrooms


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 21/10/2022 12:53:57)