Kinderhaus Lippertsreute

Kinderhaus Lippertsreute
Hauptstraße 32
88662 Überlingen
Funding authority
Stadt Überlingen
Münsterstraße 15 - 17
88662 Überlingen
075537177 (Barbara Marquardt)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days26 Schließtage
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, nature education, partially open concept
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information




The Kinderhaus Lippertsreute is located in the district of the same name in the large district town of Überlingen, about 5.5 km northeast of the Überlingen city area. The kindergarten was first mentioned in 1983 and was housed in the town hall until the move to the old school building in 1986. We use the rural area for excursions and walks through the adjacent meadows, fields as well as the forest and to the Aachtobel.

We care for ten children from one to three years of age in the nursery group, the Tigers, and 25 children in two groups, the Bears, and twelve children in the Frogs, from 2.9 years of age until they start school.
Bus transportation is available for children from the suburbs.


Care times and group forms:

U3- Crèche
Regular group (27.5 hours):                                Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 07.30 - 13.00 hrs.
Extended opening hours (30.5 hrs.):                   Mon., Wed., Fri. 07.30 - 13.00 hrs.
                                                                       Tue., Thu. 07.30- 14.30 hrs.
Ü3- Kindergarten
Regular group (32.5 hrs.):                                  Mon., Tues., Wed., Thu., Fri. 07.30 - 13.00 hrs.
                                                                       Tues., Thurs. 14.00 - 16.30 hrs.
Extended opening hours (36.5 hrs.):                   Mon., Wed. 07.30 - 14.00 hrs.
                                                                       Tues., Thurs. 07.30 - 16.30 hrs.
                                                                       Fr. 07.30 - 13.00 hrs.

Closing times

We set our closing times on the planning day after the summer vacations for the coming calendar year. We generally close over the Christmas holidays until New Year's Day, one week during the Whitsun vacations, and three weeks during the summer vacation period. We have a total of 26 closing days.

In our Kinderhaus we offer a daily lunch, which we get delivered by Gasthof Löwen from Leustetten. Lunch can be booked as needed and is billed separately. The inn takes allergies and food intolerances into account and offers regional and organic products.

Pedagogical concept

We work in the Ü3 groups according to the partially open concept, which means that the children can decide during their own educational time in which group they want to play, whether they want to dress up in the role play area, be creative in the studio and when they want to go to breakfast.We include in our pedagogical work the annual cycle and the associated festivals and are oriented to the topics and interests of the children.
Our image of the child is that of the "competent child". The child is a constructor of itself and we see ourselves as co-constructors. This means that we perceive the children individually, know them and can therefore respond to their needs and their topics. It is important to us to give the children a sense of belonging and to ensure their well-being. We include the individual living conditions of the children and stimulate education ourselves, e.g. through impulses and offers. It is important to us to convey positive values and to accompany, support and encourage the child's development. Every child is unique and is accepted just as he or she is.

Pedagogical staff

In the Kinderhaus we employ educators and child care workers on a full or part-time basis. In order to ensure our quality and to further develop our work, all colleagues regularly take part in advanced training courses in order to further educate themselves in theory and practice. The organizational and pedagogical planning takes place in group-internal meetings and in the whole team.
We are a training center and accompany trainees or students on their training path and offer students the opportunity to get to know the profession of educator with us.

Special profiling

We offer "everyday integrated language support" as well as the music project "Sing-Move-Speak" in cooperation with the municipal music school. In addition, the facility was able to certify for Die Carusos through its musical activities.
On Wednesdays, we offer the children a "Nature Day". Up to twelve children can sign up to spend the morning outside in nature with two kindergarten teachers.

Cooperation between kindergarten and elementary school

In the last year of kindergarten, there is close cooperation with the elementary school. The "Maxi children" are visited by the cooperation teacher once a week in the kindergarten or go to the school for an offer. In addition, there is a kindergarten-internal offer for the Maxi children once a week.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/10/2022 10:14:29)