Krippenhaus St. Raphael

1 - 3 Jahre

Krippenhaus St. Raphael
Auf dem Buelt 23
49767 Twist
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchengemeinde St. Georg
Am Marktplatz 6
49767 Twist
05936-9176590 (Nicola Lammers)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysan allen gesetzlichen Feiertagen
Freitag nach Christi Himmelfahrt
3 Wochen in den Sommerferien
am Planungstag (direkt nach den Sommerferien)
an 2 Fortbildungstagen
zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr
Denomination roman catholic

Current information


Who we are:

Our nursery offers space for up to 30 children between 1 and 3 years, divided into two groups, to play and discover.

A permanent team is available for the children. This currently consists of 8 professionals who bring their skills and personalities to the daily work with the children.

The groups are composed as follows:

  • Frog group with 15 places (6-hour group)
  • Duck group with 15 places (full-day group)

Daily Schedule

Bring phase

  • from 07:00 to 08:30 (depending on registration).
  • The bring phase is a very important and sensitive phase for children and parents. This is sensitively accompanied by our staff in creating a positive welcoming situation.
  • This is also where the constant exchange with the parents takes place in the morning. All important information concerning the daily routine and the condition of your child will be clarified.
  • When saying goodbye, please allow time for a conscious farewell. This will give your child the security he or she needs to start the day at the nursery.


  • Start approx. 08:45 a.m.
  • A fixed and important part of the daily routine, which provides structure for your children and thus creates security and trust.
  • We eat breakfast together in our cafeteria.
  • The children, depending on their age and motor skills, pick up their bag independently from our bag shelf, find a place and try to unpack their food on their own. Therefore, it would be nice if your child had a bag that they could open independently.

Free play / Pedagogical time

  • Approx. 09:30 to 11:00 a.m.
  • Takes place mainly in the group room, on some days or during some offers the intensive rooms or the movement room are also used.
  • During free play, the children are free to choose what they want to do. Taking into account the stage of development, different play and material offers are available.
  • From time to time, the children are allowed to play in the hallway or group visits take place.
  • Weather permitting, we take the children for walks or use our outdoor area. Here the children can follow their natural urge to move and have direct experiences with nature. Therefore, please remember to bring suitable clothing for outdoors.
  • This is also the time for individual naps in the morning, which some children need to recharge their physical and mental batteries. This will be discussed with you in advance.

Morning circle

  • from 08:30 to approx. 08:45 a.m.
  • Starting the day together gives the children a sense of "togetherness" and "togetherness".
  • The morning circle is both a ritual (introducing the day, providing structure) and a learning environment (talking, listening, singing). Contents include a welcome song, discussion of the day, identification of the helper child, praying together, transition to breakfast.

Singing circle

  • from 11:00 to approx. 11:15 a.m.
  • collective end of the morning as a clear structure in the daily routine for orientation.
  • There are finger, perception, concentration and movement games as well as songs. Furthermore, the sitting circle offers a transition to the common lunch as well as the 1st pick-up phase.

Pick-up phase

  • before lunch
  • The times at which your child will be picked up will be agreed upon with the staff. If possible, please adhere to these times so as not to interrupt the daily structure that is so important for the daycare children.
  • Please also allow time at pick-up to talk with the staff about the day and to give the children the rest they need to say goodbye.

Lunch together

  • Start from 11:15 a.m.
  • Again, we eat together in our cafeteria. The beginning is heralded with a table prayer. This again provides structure and security for our daycare children.

Pick-up phase

  • after lunch
  • Contents see first pick-up phase

nap / afternoon rest

  • after lunch
  • The nap serves the children to relax, to process what they have experienced, and to recharge their mental and physical batteries. It is a recurring ritual in their daily routine.
  • The duration of the nap is agreed upon individually with the parents in advance and existing rituals and needs are discussed, as well as the use of pacifiers, cuddly toys, etc., in order to make it easier for the child to fall asleep in a new environment.
  • The children who no longer need a nap take a midday rest. Here, the children rest in the group, read a book, do relaxation exercises, etc. This also gives the older children the opportunity to recover from the morning. This will also be coordinated with you parents.

Snack / fruit break

  • approx. 15:00 (according to the sleeping rhythm of the children)
  • This small snack is taken together in the cafeteria after the nap / afternoon rest. Here, too, a joint start is important to us. Thus, we wait until all children have woken up, "arrived", changed and dressed.

Free play / Pedagogical time in the afternoon

  • approx. 15:15 to 16:00 o'clock
  • Contents see above Free play / Pedagogical time

Pick-up phase

  • During / at the end of free play or in the late service (depending on registration)
  • Contents see first pick-up phase
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/10/2023 10:56:22)