Kath. Kindertagesstätte St. Hermann-Josef

1 - 6 Jahre

Kath. Kindertagesstätte St. Hermann-Josef
Schulstraße 6
49767 Twist
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchengemeinde Heilig Kreuz
Schulstraße 4
49767 Twist
05936-934842 (Katja Möllerhaus)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysTag nach Christi Himmelfahrt
3 Wochen Sommerferien plus 2 Planungstage
die Tage zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr
Denomination roman catholic

Current information


That's us

20 pedagogical employees accompany, support, encourage and challenge up to 117 children.

Our day care center consists of 3 regular groups, each with 25 children aged 3 - 6 years.
Here we offer care from 07:55 to 12:55, 07:55 to 13:55 and 07:55 to 15:55.

In addition, our 3 crèche groups offer space for 42 children aged 1 - 3 years.
Here our opening hours are from 07:55 to 12:55 and 07:55 to 13:55.

In both the nursery and the kindergarten we also have an early morning service from 06:55 to 07:55.

Daily Schedule

A day in our world of experience and experience day care center
07:55 to 08:20
"Welcome time"
The children arrive at the daycare center and we welcome them to the group.
07:55 to 08:20
Bus ride with pedagogical supervision

An educator accompanies and supervises the children who travel to the daycare center by bus.
08:20 to 08:35
Morning circle

We start the day together with the morning circle. Rituals, such as greetings, prayers, and a shared discussion about the day's schedule, provide stability and security for the start of an eventful day at the daycare center.
08:35 to 09:15
Group time / project time

This time creates space for individual activities and promotes coming together in the group. The children can participate and contribute their own ideas and imaginations.  Our activities encompass the diversity and different dimensions of children's learning. Here, the children can decide for themselves and be creative.

09:15 till 12:10
Free play time

During free play time, the children decide for themselves where and with whom they want to play. During this time, the hallway, the movement room and our outdoor area are available to the children. Pedagogical activities from the various educational areas also take place during this time.
09:15 to 11:30
Breakfast on the move

Our children decide independently when and with whom they eat breakfast.
12:10 to 12:20
"Farewell circle

We end the morning at the kindergarten together and say goodbye.
12:20 to 12:25
"Gathering" of the bus children

From all groups, the bus children line up at the front door.
12:25 to 12:55
Bus ride with pedagogical supervision

An educator accompanies and takes care of the children who go home by bus.
12:30 to 12:55
Pick-up phase

The children who do not stay for lunch have the opportunity to finish the kindergarten morning by playing in a small group during the pick-up phase.

12:25 to 13:15
Lunch together

Our cafeteria invites children and staff to share a hot meal together, enjoy the atmosphere, and have conversations about the morning's experiences.
13:15 p.m. to 15:55
Joint play and situational action time

The action time offers space for joint play in which various actions are offered situationally. In addition, the children prepare a healthy snack for the break together with the educators.


A morning in our world of experience and experience crèche
07:55 to 08:30
"Welcome time"

The children arrive at the nursery and we welcome them to the group.
08:30 to 08:45
Morning circle

We start the day together with the morning circle. Rituals, such as the greeting, prayer and the common conversation about the daily routine, provide support and security for the start of the eventful kindergarten day.
08:45 to 11:00
Group time / Project time

This time creates space for individual activities and thus promotes coming together in the group. Our offerings encompass the variety and different dimensions of children's learning. Here we can be creative with the children.

09:00 to 09:30
Free play time

"Time to play freely"
During free play time, the children decide for themselves where and with whom they want to play. Pedagogical offers from the various educational areas also take place during this time.
09:30 to 10:15
Breakfast together

We have breakfast together in our cafeteria.
10:15 to 11:20
Free play time & diaper changing time

During free play time, the children decide for themselves where and with whom they want to play. Pedagogical offers from the different educational areas also take place during this time. All children are accompanied to the toilet or changed during this time. (Additional as needed)
11:20 to 12:00
Action time

The action time offers space to play and move, especially on our natural adventure playground or in the movement room.
Joint lunch

Our cafeteria invites the children and staff to eat a hot meal together and enjoy the atmosphere.
12:20 to 12:55
Pick-up phase

During the pick-up phase, the children have the opportunity to end the kindergarten morning by playing in a small group.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 12/10/2023 11:03:16)