Städt. Kindertageseinrichtung Reichensteinstraße

Kinder ab vier Monaten bis zur Einschulung ________________________________________________ Denken Sie bitte daran, bei ihrer Betreuungsanfrage immer E-Mail und Telefonnummer anzugeben ________________________________________________ Bitte geben Sie uns zusätzlich im Feld „Bemerkungen“ einen Hinweis, ob Ihr Kind bereits einer Frühförderstelle bzw. dem Sozialpädiatrischen Zentrum (SPZ) vorgestellt wurde

Städt. Kindertageseinrichtung Reichensteinstraße
Reichensteinstr. 53
53844 Troisdorf
Funding authority
Stadt Troisdorf
Kölner Str. 176
53840 Troisdorf
02241/8460592 (Sonja Heppner/ Leiterin)
02241/8460592 (Bianca Jagusch / stellvertretende Leitung)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysWir schließen jährlich, an drei pädagogischen Planungstagen, zwei Wochen der Sommerferien, zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr,
zum Betriebsausflug der gesamten Stadtverwaltung, an zwei Regenerationstagen, ggf. Brückentagen.
Die Einrichtungsleitung informiert die Eltern rechtzeitig per Aushang über die jährlichen Schließtage.
Foreign languages German, English, Hungarian, Italian, Polish
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, family counseling, full day care

Current information


Fortlaufende Angebote:

  • immer Dienstags Walkingtreff 10:00- 11:30 Uhr (Treffen vor dem Familienzentrum)
  • Immer Donnerstags Spielgruppe 9:00 - 10:00 Uhr
  • immer Donnerstags Krabbelgruppe 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr
  • Elterncafe 
  • Pekip
  • Bewegt Sprache lernen (Sprachförderung) 
  • Nähtreff
  • Messdiener
  • Musikalische Früherziehung
  • Erziehungsberatung ( auf Wunsch anonym)
  • Mutter / Kind Yoga 
  • Kinder stark machen
  • Psychomotorik Turnen mit Alltagsmaterial 


We see ourselves as companions for the children entrusted to us in close cooperation with their families. We accept the child as it is. We start our educational work with acclimatization according to the Berlin model in order to build a trusting relationship.

We are reliable companions for the child and meet him with empathy, perceive his child's signals and react appropriately to them. We want to work together with the parents in a trusting manner for the benefit of the child from the start. We offer family visits at home before admitting the child and for each developmental interview in order to get to know the child in its family environment and to build trust.

We provide stimulating material and prepare our rooms so that the child can have individual experiences. Our stimulating outdoor area promotes the encounter with nature. We trust in the child's self-education processes, support them in exercises in daily life and in acquiring everyday skills. In our true-to-life educational work, we take up the children's ideas, encourage them in what they do, and value their creativity and imagination. We take children's complaints and wishes seriously. Together we will look for implementation and solution options. Our educational work is subject to a constant process, because we see ourselves as learners together with the child and the parents.

Our attitude:

Welcome culture - we accept everyone as they are and accompany them on their way.

We work in line with requirements - our family center is geared towards the needs of children and their families

Participation - we encourage everyone to participate in the everyday life of our family center and invite them to actively help shape it.

Offers in our house:

- Mondays, 10 a.m. - 11.15 a.m., crawling group for parents with child (1/2-1 1/2 years)

- Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-11.30 a.m., Nordic walking

- Wednesdays, early musical education courses

- Thursdays, 9.30 a.m. to 11 a.m., playgroup for parents with child (1 1/2 to 3 years)

- Individual appointments with the psychological educational counseling service as part of a monthly consultation

- Annual dental check-ups and group prophylactic exercises by the dental service

- Parent events on various education and development issues

- Open parents' café, every first Tuesday of the month from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

- Info point in the main building with information material relevant to families

We advise and mediate:

- for questions about child day care

- if there is a need for integration / migration

- Advice on professional development

- Education and participation package

- Screening exams and health issues

In our house we enable, among other things

- implementation of individual therapies by specialists from the early intervention center and independent practices on our premises

- Associations and voluntary organizations to use our premises according to our resources after consultation.

We work closely with the district of Kriegsdorf. With our offers we want to promote diversity in the district.


We host five kindergarten groups in two buildings. There are three groups in the main house, two groups in the garden house. The main building is the former elementary school in Kriegsdorf with an extension for our very little ones. Here are the "moles" (15 children 3-6 years, 35 and 45 hours), the "rabbits" (20 children: 6 children 2-3 years and 14 children 3-6 years, 35 and 45 hours) and our "caterpillars" (10 children 4 months to 3 years, 35 and 45 hours) "at home" during the day. the mole group has a group room and an adjoining room. The group of rabbits is located in the new extension with a group room, side room and bedroom as well as a children's bathroom with a spacious changing area. The caterpillar group is available to our very young children. Their rooms are also located in the new extension. It is a group room, exercise room and two bedrooms as well as a baby changing area. The rooms are age and needs-oriented equipped. All children have a creative, role play and construction area available. They are offered imaginative materials for experimentation and free employment.

The hedgehog and slug children are looked after in the garden house. The garden house has a large foyer in which the children have a creative area and a large breakfast area. Both have a group room and an adjoining room and each have a children's bathroom. The children of both groups also use a common function room.

On the first floor of the main building there is a common room, our "meeting point" with a tea kitchen, and a room for small group activities as well as our staff room. We use these rooms, for example for undisturbed consultation situations, cross-group offers for the children, celebrations and events. Individual therapies by external parties can also take place here by arrangement. Parents can meet at the meeting point for informal conversation. These rooms can be made available to different groups in the social room after consultation and according to our resources.

Outdoor Facilities


On our spacious outdoor area, children can have a variety of movement experiences every day and experience the seasons. Our outdoor area is designed very naturally and encourages interaction with nature. The area has elevations that are beneficial for motor development. Various climbing frames, a water mud system, swings and areas for riding tricycles and bicycles offer varied incentives to move and enable multi-layered sensory experiences.

Daily Schedule

The child needs reliable structures that give him security, including a daily routine he is familiar with. The daily routines of the individual groups vary slightly, depending on the age, the level of development and the needs of the individual group. The daily routine includes

- bringing phase (in the early shift, the children are welcomed and looked after together in one group in each house. Around 9:00 am, everyone goes to their home groups)

- Free breakfast within a certain time frame

- winding phase for the little ones (caterpillars and rabbits)

- Free play and offers (free offers for all children, small group offers, individual support offers)

- common singing and playing circle

- Play in the outdoor area

- lunchtime -

- sleeping time vor the "little ones" (under three years of age)

- Afternoon game in different constellations, perhaps a game on the outdoor area

- Collection phase

It is important for every child that they are greeted attentively and cordial when they arrive. Personal contact such as eye and body contact and direct approach can make the transition from the morning situation in the family to daycare easier for children and parents. The parents can briefly provide the educator with important information about their child. If a child does not manage to separate from its parents so easily, we console them. It is important to us that the child learns that it can also cope with painful situations. As a rule, all children arrive at 9:00 a.m. During the free play, children can take part in offers at group level or across groups. Before we go outside with the children, we get together in group circles. The children should experience and understand themselves as part of their group. Lunch and the ensuing afternoon nap for the "little ones" represent a phase of rest. The children over 3 do not sleep, but have the opportunity to quietly occupy themselves alone or with one another. In the afternoon, the children get together in other constellations. This changed group constellation creates new impulses.


Our cooks prepare fresh lunchtime meals for our children every day using seasonal and regional foods. Our menus are drawn up according to ecotrophological criteria. Nutrition has an important influence not only on the physical, but also on the mental development of children. A balanced nutrition increases the quality of life, performance and well-being of children. We give the children the opportunity to experience the joy and enjoyment of food and drink. We introduce the children to health-conscious eating habits. During meals together, the children decide for themselves what and how much of which food to eat. Eating meals in a feel-good atmosphere is important to us.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/06/2024 09:39:10)