Mariahof Kinderhaus Sternschnuppe


Bei uns werden Kleinkinder bis Vorschüler betreut.

Mariahof Kinderhaus Sternschnuppe
Seb.-Kneipp-Anlage 4
79822 Titisee-Neustadt
Funding authority
Mariahof/Caritasverband der Erzdiözese Freiburg eV
Weiherweg 6
78183 Hüfingen
07651 933032 (Frau Bruder)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Schließtage werden jedes Jahr neu festgelegt. Wir haben 28 Schließtage.
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care


Our children's house is a family-supplementing facility. Like the Christina daycare center, it belongs to MARIAHOF in Hüfingen.                                                                                                                        In mixed-age groups, the children are cared for, accompanied in their development and promoted holistically. "Holistic" means an education that perceives and addresses the individual in different areas of his or her person. We pick up the child where he or she is in his or her individual development. We try to discover and develop as many abilities as possible that a child has. The child should be able to develop into his or her own personality and learn independence, decision-making skills, a sense of responsibility and community skills.

Our premises

Our bright and spacious rooms offer plenty of room and opportunities to encourage the children in a variety of ways and to stimulate their senses.                                                                  The room concept is divided into different focal points, which offers the children a diverse and stimulating environment.

In 2005, the Krabbelkäfergruppe was the first toddler group in Neustadt to offer toddler care for children under the age of 3.                                                                          A short time later, the demand for toddler care in Neustadt was so great that the Minimäuse group was added.                                                         

In the toddler area, "our little ones" can conquer their environment in a protected setting. A variety of play materials invite the children to explore and discover by themselves and support them in their self-development. In our movement room, the children can test their urge to move. A sleeping room is set up for the children's sleeping time.

The "frog children" are our kindergarten children who find a variety of activities in their rooms. In addition to various role-play areas, there are construction areas, a creative studio with a large painting table, a research corner and a workbench. Various table games and a cozy reading corner also invite the children to linger.

Building and construction area

In the building and construction area, the children can build, construct and experiment with a variety of materials. The various building materials are intended to enable the child to deal creatively with spatial forms during play. Free building stimulates the imagination and promotes imagination.

Role play and reading corner

The materials offered in the role-play area invite the children to play, to communicate with each other, to contribute creativity and play ideas, and to make arrangements in a small group. In the reading corner, children have the opportunity to look at picture books and engage in conversation with each other. 

Creative studio:

This area includes painting, as well as creative work. The children can visit the studio during free play and choose from a variety of materials that are freely available to them at any time. Through clear structures of order, the children can set up their own workspace and clean it up again when they are finished. New materials and techniques are introduced in offerings so that the children can subsequently use them independently.

The materials offered at the workbench encourage the children to create. They can realize their ideas with the appropriate tools and materials. The children can develop a sense of strength and precision while nailing, filing and sawing.

In the research corner, various mathematical materials are provided - to touch, look at, play with and create with, e.g. number stamps, number games, scales, geometric shapes, folding rule, thermometer, hourglass, measuring rod for body size. Children also have the opportunity to experiment with a wide variety of materials and explore the world.  

Movement room:

In order to give children the opportunity to act out their urge to move or to make basic movement and material experiences in a large space, the movement room is available for spontaneous activities according to predefined rules. When specific gymnastics classes are offered, this room is only open to a specific group of children.

 Outdoor area:

Our spacious outdoor area is available to the children at any time of the year. Here they can run, balance, jump, climb, romp and live out their joy of movement, but also simply play in and experience nature. Our outdoor area will be renovated in the spring of 2022.

Our children's house is a family-supplementing facility. Like the Christina daycare center, it belongs to MARIAHOF in Hüfingen.                                                                                                                        In mixed-age groups, the children are cared for, accompanied in their development and promoted holistically. "Holistic" means an education that perceives and addresses the individual in different areas of his or her person. We pick up the child where he or she is in his or her individual development. We try to discover and develop as many abilities as possible that a child has. The child should be able to develop into his or her own personality and learn independence, decision-making skills, a sense of responsibility and community skills.

Our premises

Our bright and spacious rooms offer plenty of room and opportunities to encourage the children in a variety of ways and to stimulate their senses.                                                                  The room concept is divided into different focal points, which offers the children a diverse and stimulating environment.

In 2005, the Krabbelkäfergruppe was the first toddler group in Neustadt to offer toddler care for children under the age of 3.                                                                          A short time later, the demand for toddler care in Neustadt was so great that the Minimäuse group was added.                                                         

In the toddler area, "our little ones" can conquer their environment in a protected setting. A variety of play materials invite the children to explore and discover by themselves and support them in their self-development. In our movement room, the children can test their urge to move. A sleeping room is set up for the children's sleeping time.

The "frog children" are our kindergarten children who find a variety of activities in their rooms. In addition to various role-play areas, there are construction areas, a creative studio with a large painting table, a research corner and a workbench. Various table games and a cozy reading corner also invite the children to linger.

Building and construction area

In the building and construction area, the children can build, construct and experiment with a variety of materials. The various building materials are intended to enable the child to deal creatively with spatial forms during play. Free building stimulates the imagination and promotes imagination.

Role play and reading corner

The materials offered in the role-play area invite the children to play, to communicate with each other, to contribute creativity and play ideas, and to make arrangements in a small group. In the reading corner, children have the opportunity to look at picture books and engage in conversation with each other. 

Creative studio:

This area includes painting, as well as creative work. The children can visit the studio during free play and choose from a variety of materials that are freely available to them at any time. Through clear structures of order, the children can set up their own workspace and clean it up again when they are finished. New materials and techniques are introduced in offerings so that the children can subsequently use them independently.

The materials offered at the workbench encourage the children to create. They can realize their ideas with the appropriate tools and materials. The children can develop a sense of strength and precision while nailing, filing and sawing.

In the research corner, various mathematical materials are provided - to touch, look at, play with and create with, e.g. number stamps, number games, scales, geometric shapes, folding rule, thermometer, hourglass, measuring rod for body size. Children also have the opportunity to experiment with a wide variety of materials and explore the world.  

Movement room:

In order to give children the opportunity to act out their urge to move or to make basic movement and material experiences in a large space, the movement room is available for spontaneous activities according to predefined rules. When specific gymnastics classes are offered, this room is only open to a specific group of children.

 Outdoor area:

Our spacious outdoor area is available to the children at any time of the year. Here they can run, balance, jump, climb, romp and live out their joy of movement, but also simply play in and experience nature. Our outdoor area will be renovated in the spring of 2022.


Meals are taken together with the group at small tables decorated according to the seasons in a cozy atmosphere. The common breakfast after the morning circle at about 9:30 a.m. is brought from home. The warm lunch at about 12 o'clock is part of our concept. We attach great importance to conscious, child-appropriate nutrition and are also in possession of the certificate "BeKi" (conscious child nutrition), which we are constantly developing.                                                             

At 3 p.m. there is a midday snack for the children, who stay with us until 5 p.m. - even if they have brought their own lunch from home.

We offer the children water and tea to drink throughout the day.                                In the toddler group there is always one fruit day per week, in the kindergarten group we regularly prepare a joint "frog breakfast".


7-9 a.m.: The children are brought in at this time and find their way into free play right away.

9:00 a.m.: Morning circle: depending on the developmental stage of the children's groups, there is singing, circle games, or the older children learn a few more things through projects.

9:30 a.m.: breakfast together

Afterwards, the children play freely with alternating projects that are offered regularly. This takes place in the group rooms or, if possible, outdoors.

12 noon: lunch in the community

afterwards rest: the toddlers go to sleep and the kindergarten children come to rest through stories or meditative exercises

Free play of the kindergarten children, preferably also in the garden

3 p.m.: Pick-up time or snack time for the children who stay until 5 p.m.


The pedagogical specialists of our facility are state-approved educators and a children's nurse. We also offer apprenticeships at the Kinderhaus.

For quality assurance purposes, we work with Quintessenz- The System for the Further Development of Quality in Catholic Day Care Facilities for Children in the Archdiocese of Freiburg.

In order to optimally prepare the children for their start in school, we have a cooperation with all schools that the children will attend in the future.

Children need the security that adults take care of them, protect them, encourage them and accompany them. Parents and educators work together for the good of the child. An active educational partnership between parents and kindergarten is very important to us in our facility. This includes regular discussions about the child's development, joint planning of celebrations and meetings.


During the kindergarten year, we carry out various projects with the children. The topics arise from, for example, the season or also from the current interests and needs of the children.                                                                                                                 We like to celebrate festivities with family members, e.g. grandma and grandpa afternoon, parents' breakfast, Mother's Day or summer festival.

We are also interested in our parents' opinion of our services, which is why we conduct parent surveys at regular intervals.


The Kinderhaus Sternschnuppe is located not far from the train station, directly on the Gutach River in the Sebastian-Kneipp-Anlage 4 in Titisee-Neustadt.


The children are admitted according to the following criteria

Siblings are preferred
According to receipt of applications, i.e. date of applications and date of start of care
Both parents or single parents work or wish to take up a job
Group situation

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