Martin- Luther

0-6 Jahren Ganztagsbetreuung

Martin- Luther
Martin-Luther-Str. 7
88069 Tettnang
Funding authority
ev. Kirchengemeinde Tettnang
Martin-Luther-Str. 7
88069 Tettnang
0754252210 (Frau Angelika Gert (Kiga-Leitung))
Opening times7:00 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysÖffnungszeiten Freitags 07:00 - 13:30 Uhr
32 Schließtage pro Kalenderjahr
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept partially open concept
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care, language education

Current information


The Evang. Martin Luther Kindergarten is a three-group facility with many different care modules for children from zero to six years of age. The manageable size enables us to establish close, personal contact with all families. This family-like character is important to us for the well-being of your child and is a specific characteristic of our kindergarten.

The sponsor of the facility is the Evang. Martin Luther Kirchengemeinde with our pastor Mrs. Kleinknecht-Wagner.

The mission statement is open - inviting and evangelical. We are open and welcome all children and their families from different backgrounds, religions and cultures. Religious education is an important part of our pedagogical work.

Quality work in our house: we are certified according to the evangelical quality seal BETA - Quality Management. We work continuously and consistently on the quality of our work, oriented to the needs of families with their children.
Strong children through healthy nutrition and exercise: Furthermore, our facility is distinguished by the BeKi certificate (Conscious Child Nutrition). This nutritional concept is an integral part of our concept and is passed on to parents as such from the very beginning. We try to convey a conscious handling of food and thus to deepen ways for a healthy life. In our kindergarten all meals are taken together. During regular gymnastics activities and movement building sites in the community hall, the children learn what they can do with their bodies.     In the garden and during free play, the children also have many opportunities to try out their bodies and abilities and to gain movement experiences.

Translated with (free version)


The Martin Luther Kindergarten consists of two kindergarten groups. For this we have two group rooms, each with an adjoining room, which are set up as educational rooms.

The first group room – the sun room

In our sun room, the children have the opportunity to be creative. You can let your own ideas run wild with different materials in the painting and handicraft area. The kneading area also trains fine motor skills with shapes and modeling and strengthens the hand muscles. Furthermore, the children can experience community in group and board games. Verbal communication, cognition and social contacts with or to other children are encouraged. Concentration and endurance are also promoted in a playful way, for example with puzzles. In the reading corner with a comfortable sofa and various books, the children can withdraw at any time, rest and be alone. This creates a relaxed atmosphere in which children can discover books independently or with a teacher and learn new things.

The next room - rainbow room

The room accessible through the sun room is the rainbow room. On the one hand, it is used for educational offers with small groups. Especially remedial education and language support measures can be implemented well and purposefully here.

The second group room – the moon room

The moon room, like the sun room, includes different corners and areas for the children. The building corner, which offers the children various building materials, takes up a lot of space. Especially in the construction game, the child can experience the feeling of their own competence and thus an increase in self-esteem. In the doll corner, which is located on the second level, the children have the opportunity to slip into different roles. Materials such as a children's kitchen with stove and oven, a table with small stools, a doll's bed, dolls, etc. are available to them. Imagination, empathy and the children's language are encouraged during spontaneous role play.

The next room

Like the rainbow room, the adjoining room is also used for small group offers and language training. In free play, it can be used in a variety of ways with different materials. The children's mattresses are laid out for the younger children's afternoon nap and this room is now used as a sleeping and resting room.

The crèche rooms

In our star room, the children find many opportunities to be active, to rest, to feel safe, to be creative and to eat in a relaxed atmosphere. When designing the carefully designed premises, we focused on the needs of under 3-year-olds and divided our crèche rooms into the following areas:

Action area: Our spacious action area offers the children plenty of space for movement, which supports children's joy of movement. So that the children can gain a variety of physical experiences, objects and exercise equipment are exchanged at greater intervals (e.g. vehicles, swings, slides, ball pools, etc.)

Office/ staff room

Between the kindergarten and the crèche you will find the staff room, the heart of every teamwork. This is where team meetings, parent talks and discussions with cooperation partners take place. The office is right next to it. It is the organization and administration branch.


In the hallway, the children find their cloakroom, with sufficient storage space for bags, hats, shoes, sunscreen, etc... The cafeteria, where a group has breakfast together in the morning, is in a bright area surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows. Furthermore, the space is used for the morning circle, for offers and for free play.

Outdoor Facilities

Our garden

We go to the garden with the children every day. Our spacious, natural outdoor area offers the children the opportunity to live out their urge to move and discover unhindered. Children can play with different vehicles on the paved area. Various swings, slides, climbing opportunities, etc. give them the opportunity to engage in various movements and role-playing games and to train their motor skills. In addition, there is a fenced, protected and clearly visible outdoor play area for the children in front of the crèche rooms. This is partly used by the crèche. But for the most part, young and old come together in the entire garden area.

Daily Schedule


7.00 a.m. - 8.45 a.m. Delivery time and free play time in the daycare center and the crèche

7.00 a.m. Opening for all children in the crèche

7.30 a.m. Opening of the 1st group room in the kindergarten (from 8.00 a.m. both group rooms are available for the children to play freely)

9.00 a.m. Breakfast together in the nursery (in three small groups) and morning circle in the nursery

9.30 a.m. morning circle/ offers in mixed-age or homogeneous-age groups in the kindergarten Breakfast together in the crèche

from 10.00 a.m. Garden time, free play, offers (Kiga and crèche

11.30 a.m. Lunch in the kindergarten and the crèche

11.45 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Garden time and pick-up time (kiga and crèche)

12.30 p.m. Quiet & bedtime

2 p.m./2.30 p.m. pick-up time release children

3:00 p.m. afternoon snack from

3.30 p.m. free play, garden time Pick-up time GT children until 5 p.m

5 p.m. closing


Fixed elements throughout the week provide support and orientation

The weekly schedule is very important for both parents and children. Parents can use the weekly schedule to see what activities are happening each day. The children are given a structure in which they can rightfully find themselves. The week is structured by the following elements, among others.

Twice a week there are offers in age-homogenous groups (large, medium, small) in the kindergarten. On the one hand the number country for the preschool children, SBS for the middle ones and Entenland for the little ones and on the other hand the bible meeting (as a fixed religious unit in the week.)

On the other days morning circles or ped. Offers such as gymnastics in mixed-age groups.

Once a week there is an activity day in the community hall or outdoors, as well as an action day with a special offer such as creative offers.


meals at the facility

Eating together is very important to us. We see it as a communal ritual in which the brought-in snack or the lunch delivered is eaten in a pleasant atmosphere. We begin every meal with a prayer. Discussions about the children's condition, questions, wishes and stories make participation possible at this point. We take enough time for this and pay attention to age-appropriate independence when eating. The children look for a place and gradually learn how to use the cutlery and glass. Washing your hands together before and after every meal.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/12/2023 12:04:03)