KiTa "Wirbelwind"

1-6 Jahre

KiTa "Wirbelwind"
Thienemannstraße 23
99634 Gangloffsömmern
Funding authority
Gemeinde Gangloffsömmern c/o VG Straußfurt
Bahnhofstr 13
99634 Straußfurt
Opening times6:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
Specially educational concept inclusion, nature education, partially open concept, Situation approach
Therapeutic support early advancement
Extras Child care for physical education, care with lunch, full day care

Current information

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Kindergarten (Ü3)
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 01:35:46)

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