Die Urspringer

1 bis 3 Jahre

Die Urspringer
Urspringerstraße 6
82064 Straßlach-Dingharting
Funding authority
Gemeinde Straßlach-Dingharting
Schulstr. 21
82064 Straßlach-Dingharting
08170/ 9969359 (Anja Hahnl)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30
Specially educational concept child oriented education, livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information

The "Großtagespflege" is a form of childcare. The children are cared for and supported by two qualified day care workers and one "Erzieher". We have care places in 2 groups for a total of 15 children from the community of Straßlach-Dingharting aged 6 months to kindergarten entry.


Our day care facility is a form of childcare. We have 3
childminders for a total of 15 children from the community of Straßlach-Dingharting aged 6 months to kindergarten entry. 
The children are cared for, educated and supported by qualified day carers and an educator, who is also the manager of the entire day care centre.
The group size in our classic form of day care is limited to five children per caregiver.
per caregiver. In the large day care group, 10 children can be cared for.
can be cared for. These are cared for by two day carers and the qualified specialist (educator and manager). Childcare in day care is a highly personal service to be provided. The children are therefore assigned to the respective caregivers and the care times are always based on the working hours of the caregivers.
the working hours of the caregivers. The childcare ratio of 1:5 and the precise allocation are intended to create a familiar and family-like atmosphere.


For the care in two groups, 165 sqm are available in a multi-family house. Which is located in a quiet street in the centre of Straßlach. The rooms are on the ground floor and have direct access to the large, child-safe outdoor play area behind the house with a sandpit, slide, swing, vehicles, a playhouse and a large trampoline. The very bright, friendly group rooms offer sufficient enough space to eat, play, do handicrafts and romp around. The group rooms are divided into different play areas so each child can decide where they want to play according to their needs. 
There is a building corner, a doll corner with a kitchen, cuddle areas and space for puzzles and games.
There are two separate rooms of 24 sqm and 10 sqm for naps/lunchtime rest. Which can also be used as an additional play area. Besides a cloakroom area, a toilet/diaper-changing room there is kitchen for feeding the children and prepare breakfast and afternoon meals
Storage for prams can be found in the garage next to the entrance.

Daily Schedule

A regulated daily routine with rituals creates a reliable rituals create a reliable environment for the children that gives them a sense of security, trust and safety. In this atmosphere, it is possible for them to develop their personality develop their personality, build self-confidence and learn social behaviour. The daily routine is naturally adapted to the needs of the very young children. In the daily routine, free play alternates with predefined activities such as meals, naps, personal hygiene and morning circle. Likewise, attention is paid to a balanced ratio of quiet and activity phases during the day.

7:30 / 8:00 / 8:30: Greeting, arrival, free play; preparation Breakfast
 9:00: Breakfast together in the respective group
 9:30: Morning circle: singing, finger games, movement songs,circle games,...
9:45/10:00 Free play in the group room, walk/excursion, targeted support activities (gymnastics, making music, creative design,...), gardening,...
11:00 Preparation for lunch (changing diapers, washing hands, setting the table),Lunchtime circle at the table: saying a table verse, singing a song, finger play
11:15 Lunch together in the respective group
11:45-12:00 first pick-up time / preparation for nap (undressing, going to the bedroom together,...)
12:00-13:30 nap time - nap: quiet activity, sleeping, 
13:30-13:45 Wake up, change diapers, get dressed, prepare for pick-up
13:45-14:00 second pick-up time
14:00-14:30 Snack together
14:30-14:45 Singing circle
14:45-15:00 Third pick-up time

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/03/2023 18:05:38)