

Hauptstraße 75
76479 Steinmauern
Funding authority
Gemeinde Steinmauern
Hauptstraße 82
76479 Steinmauern
07222 154564 (Frau Ostermann)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
late care7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept child oriented education, livebased approach, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information


Welcome to the Schülerhort Steinmauern!

Our team is dedicated to ensuring the well-being of your child in our facility. Since your child spends a significant part of the day in the Schülerhort, it is important for us to create an atmosphere of security and trust. The hort serves as a space for living and learning, developed in collaboration with both home and school. Our educational work provides children with a platform for self-expression and taking responsibility. We emphasize children's participation in both the daily structure and in deciding how they want to spend their free time. Older and younger children interact naturally with one another, bringing their interests into both small and large group activities.



The Schülerhort XX has been located in the Bürgerhaus Alte Schule (BAS) since 2007.

Our facility spans two floors and accommodates approximately 120 children. In addition to spacious group rooms designed for comfort, there is a well-equipped workshop. A playroom featuring a dollhouse and a large grocery store provides space for role-playing activities. There are also facilities available for lunchtime meals.

Outdoor Facilities

The Schülerhort uses the schoolyard of the elementary school as its outdoor area, which includes a climbing frame and climbing rocks. Our soccer-enthusiastic children have claimed the space between the after-school program and the school. On the side of the school, shaded grassy areas provide additional space for play opportunities.


Daily Schedule

DAILY SCHEDULE during the school year

7:00 AM:                                The after-school program and core hours open.
7:50 AM / 8:40 AM:               The children leave the after-school program for the  
                                               first/second lesson.
12:25 PM / 1:15 PM:              Classes end after the 5th/6th lesson.
1:25 PM:                                 Lunch can be booked optionally.
2:00 PM:                                 Core hour children without a hot lunch go home.
2:15 PM:                                 Core hour children and after-school children who are
                                                registered for lunch go home on short days.
2:40 PM:                                 Homework time begins.
3:55 PM:                                 Homework time ends.
4:30 PM:                                 After-school children go home or are picked up.

DAILY SCHEDULE during vacation time

7:00 AM:                                The after-school program and core hours open.
9:15 AM:                                Your child should be at the after-school program by this
                                               time to participate in all vacation activities.
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM:           Vacation program – A varied program will be provided to
                                               all parents via the KIKOM app.
2:00 PM:                                 Core hour children go home.
4:30 PM:                                 After-school children go home.

More detailed information about our daily schedule will soon be available in the KIKOM app.



A warm lunch can be added for a small fee.We source our meals from the central kitchen of the Evangelical Church Community in XX. A warm lunch can be booked optionally as follows:

Core time care:                               5x warm lunches

Full-day care:                                  5x warm lunches

Flexible after-school care:             5x warm lunches or 2x warm lunches (only on long days)


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/12/2024 13:01:37)