
Krippe: 1 bis 3 Jahre / Kindergarten: 3 Jahre bis Schuleintritt

Karl-Späth-Straße 10
76479 Steinmauern
Funding authority
Gemeinde Steinmauern
Hauptstraße 82
76479 Steinmauern
07222 405949-0 (Frau Scherzinger)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
late care7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information


Welcome to the Flößerkindergarten Steinmauern!

The Flößerkindergarten with an integrated nursery is located in the village center of Steinmauern and offers a total of 180 places in 10 groups for children aged one year to school entry. The facility consists of four nursery groups and six kindergarten groups. Although the nursery and kindergarten areas are physically separated, they operate under one roof and see themselves as one team.



In the entrance area of the nursery, there is a spacious cloakroom. The nursery section includes four group rooms, three sleeping rooms, a generous changing and toilet area, as well as a kitchen. The hallway of the nursery is available for the children to play in, inviting them to engage in play and movement with varying materials.

The kindergarten area can be accessed through two entrances and features six group rooms, two kitchens, two washrooms, as well as a sleeping room and a multifunctional room. The hallway area is also used as a play space.

Additionally, there is a large, fully equipped movement room that can be utilized across different groups and areas.


Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area consists of two separate sections: one designated for the toddlers and the other for the kindergarten children. The outdoor area is designed to be age-appropriate and offers a variety of opportunities for movement, role play, and sand play.

Children have access to various vehicles (such as tricycles and scooters), as well as sand toys, balls, and much more.



In our facility, we offer a free breakfast where children eat from their packed lunchboxes. The children can decide the time for breakfast, which is until approximately 9:45 AM.

A warm lunch can be added for a small fee. We source our meals from the central kitchen of the Evangelical Church Community in Rastatt.

The warm lunch can be booked as follows:

Early group:                         5x warm lunches

Full-day care:                      5x warm lunches

Flexible full-day care:        5x warm lunches or 2x warm lunches (only on long days)

If you choose not to opt for the warm lunch, your child will have their lunch from their packed lunchboxes.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 02/01/2025 15:13:25)