Kindergarten Stegen-Eschbach

1-6 Jahre

Kindergarten Stegen-Eschbach
Am Sommerberg 11
79252 Stegen
Funding authority
Gemeinde Stegen
Dorfplatz 1
79252 Stegen
Opening times7:30 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras full day care

Current information


Welcome to the kindergarten Eschbach!

We are a three-group, municipal facility of the municipality of Stegen and are idyllically located on the Sommerberg between meadows, right next to the elementary school Eschbach.
We can be easily reached on foot, via a cycle path from Stegen and by public transport. There is also a large parking lot at the school.

In our house we offer the following types of services:
Regular group: Mon-Fri 8.00-13.00 + Mon, Tue, Thu 14.00-17.00 / Early group: 7.30-8.00 (additional bookable!)
Extended opening hours: 7.30-14.00 hrs
Full day group: Mon, Tue, Thu 7.30-17.00 + Wed, Fri 7.30-14.00
Toddler group: Mon-Fri 8.00-13.00 / (Also bookable from 8.30 -13.00 for lower fee!)

What makes us special?

- Family atmosphere due to small, manageable size (1 toddler group, 2 kindergarten groups)
Everybody knows everybody!
- fixed core groups with group pedagogy
- Group-wide activities, e.g. sports, "Zahlenland", nature adventure days, "Mini-Treff"...
- qualified observations, documentation, portfolio work
- close cooperation with the elementary school
- Cooperation with parents on a partnership basis

Translated with (free version)


Our rooms are child-friendly and lovingly furnished and offer the children a sense of security, but also stimulation and a wide range of play opportunities through materials and room design. Each group of children has a fixed group room. There is a movement room and a discovery room for all groups. Our spacious garden offers plenty of room and play opportunities! We look forward to being able to care for, accompany and encourage your children here.


It is important to introduce children to healthy drinking and eating habits at an early age.
Parents give the children a balanced breakfast/snack from home. Also a drink. We recommend still water or tea. In the kindergarten, there is a no sweets policy for everyone in the daily routine.
The children eat a free breakfast in the morning (between 7:30 am - 11 am), as well as a free snack in the afternoon.

We participate in the EU school fruit program and the EU school milk program. This gives the children additional access to fruit, milk and yogurt through the kindergarten while supplies last.

The children in the extended opening hours (VÖ - group) eat a second, cold snack from home at lunchtime.

The full-day children each bring a cooked meal from home, which is heated through and eaten warm in the kindergarten on the long days. Each child receives their own meal only.
(Eventually changeover to catered lunch)
Lunch is always taken together at 1 pm.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 21/03/2023 09:47:40)