Montessori Kinderhaus e.V. (in der Jahnstr.)

Montessori Kinderhaus e.V. (in der Jahnstr.)
Jahnstraße 6
82319 Starnberg
Funding authority
Montessori-Kinderhaus, Starnberg e.V. Aktion Sonnenschein
Jahnstraße 6
82319 Starnberg
08151/447435 (Frau Wildfeuer)
Opening times7:45 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept Montessori education
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care, parents association


If you are looking for an educational alternative or a place where your child feels safe and comfortable and develops together with other children and playfully, you are in the right place.

We would like to give interested parents a little insight into the colorful life of our kindergarten and also introduce the Montessori concept of our kindergarten.

The kindergarten was founded in 1991 as a parents' initiative. It was initially located in Angerweide and since 2005 has been housed in a settlement house with an extension and a very pretty garden of its own in Starnberg at Jahnstraße 6. The special flair of the Kinderhaus in Starnberg lies in its manageable size and in the individuality of the kindergarten. The children are cared for by several kindergarten teachers, interns and additional specialists, e.g. for English lessons, in a single group.

Due to the association structure of a parents' initiative, it is possible to let the parents participate very actively in the spatial and content-related design of the kindergarten. Of course, this also means a certain time commitment for the parents. Therefore, we would like to have parents who are actively involved in shaping life in the Montessori Kinderhaus.

You can find out more about our facility here:

Montessori-Kinderhaus, Starnberg e.V.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 04:50:23)