"Wir schaffen einen sicheren Ort, an dem sich
jedes Kind durch Vertrauen und Geborgenheit
in seinem ganzen Wesen angenommen fühlt
und seine individuelle Persönlichkeit entfalten kann!"
Address |
Integratives Kinderhaus "Kind und Natur" Höhenweg 1 82319 Starnberg |
Funding authority |
FortSchritt Bayern gGmbH Ferdinand-von-Miller-Straße 14 82343 Niederpöcking | | | | |
081519736703 (Fatma Yilmaz) | |
Opening times | 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock |
Foreign languages | German (bilingual concept), English (bilingual concept), Croatian (bilingual concept), Hungarian (bilingual concept), Turkish (bilingual concept) |
Specially educational concept | child oriented education, Froebel education, inclusion, intercultural education, Montessori education, nature education, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy |
Therapeutic support | Logopedia, speech therapy, Learning support, disability, mentally handicapped |
Extras | Barrier-free, Child care with special focus on environmental education, Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education |