MUKI Musikkindergarten und Krippe

MUKI Musikkindergarten und Krippe
Unterm Buch 1
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
Funding authority
Verein zur Förderung von Bildung und christliche Werten Schwäbisch Gmünd e.V.
Unterm Buch 1
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
07171-941747-2 (Büro)
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Ferientermine entnehmen Sie bitte dem Aushang in der Einrichtung


Our nursery school has two main emphases:

Experiencing our Faith

Our team members are professing Christians, who strive to live out our faith in Jesus Christ in a positive way. We aim to see each child in God's eyes, who created them wonderfully and unique, and has equipped them with individual gifts. Each child is loved and experiences acceptance and safety/comfort. We emphasize respectful interaction and appreciation. Our faith is part of our daily work with the children through conversations, songs, prayers and Bible stories.

Diving into the World of Music

As the name of this Nursery School indicates, we offer a special music programme. Children will be introduced and encouraged in their musical abilities and gifts. Each child from four years on participates in the programme "Musikfantasie" (developed by Karin Schuh). They learn the meaning of notes and the basic music concept as well as play music with Orff instruments and chimes. Music in general, dance and rhythms are part of the programme which takes place once a week with a music teacher.


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