In our curative daycare center, 12 children from 10 months to 3 years are cared for in the crèche group (Stadtmäuse).
Two kindergarten groups offer space for up to 50 children aged 2.5 years (under certain conditions) until they start school.
We have 8 integration places, which enable us to take in "disabled children or children at risk of disability" (according to the German Social Code) and care for them according to their needs
We live by the following guiding principles in our facility
You are valuable just as you are
We see every child as a unique creature of God and accept them as they are, with all their strengths and weaknesses. Every child has their own individual developmental phases. This is where we pick them up and give them time to find their own way. It is very important to us to create an atmosphere in which the child feels comfortable and valued. Because only a child who feels comfortable can learn.
Active learning through experience
We accompany the child in its
primary group experiences and support them
and support them in making their first friends.
Together we set out on the path to discovering ourselves
discover ourselves and others. In the
the children gain new experiences to broaden their
experiences to broaden their horizons and
to learn. They can use all their senses to
discover their little world, explore and
explore and experiment. Especially
in our regular forest days, in the daily
During garden time and excursions in the great outdoors, we provide up-close experiences and unforgettable moments.