Kinderhaus St. Sebald und St. Stilla

Das Kinderhaus vereint Krippen- Kindergarten- und Hortkinder unter seinem Dach. Kinder ab einem Jahr bis zur Vollendung der vierten Klasse finden in unseren pädagogischen Gruppen einen Ort zum Ankommen, Wohlfühlen und Wachsen.

Kinderhaus St. Sebald und St. Stilla
Alexanderstraße 6
91126 Schwabach
Funding authority
Katholische Kindertageseinrichtungen Franken gemeinnützige GmbH
Eisentrautstraße 2
91126 Schwabach
09122/5111 (Sophia Rühl)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 8:00 AM o'clock
late care4:00 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysÖffnungszeit Freitag: 07:00 - 16:00 Uhr.

Das Kinderhaus schließt insgesamt 30 Tage im KiTa-Jahr (Sept.-Aug.).
25 Schließtage befinden sich innerhalb der Schulferien. Fünf weitere Tage schließen wir unabhängig zu den Ferien für Fort- und Weiterbildungen im Team.
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept livebased approach, partially open concept
Extras care with lunch

Current information

Open day: 

25.01.2025 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


"I have a house, a colorful house..."

(Pipi Longstocking)


Dear parents & interested parties,

Our children's house is colorful and individual - our door is open to everyone!

We live an appreciative and considerate interaction with children, parents, colleagues and cooperation partners,

An open, honest and constructive exchange forms the basis of a positive and successful cooperation.


Nursery team

The pedagogical staff in the children's house consists of nine employees. Individual experiences, interests, talents and the specialist knowledge of each individual make our cooperation varied and interesting. The team is in constant communication with each other and lives a respectful, honest and professional cooperation.


We look forward to meeting you in person!

- Your childcare team


Play, learning and living spaces in the children's house

Our group rooms are inviting and cozy. The rooms are designed to give the children a sense of security and encourage their independence. We make sure that the children can access play and learning materials independently at any time. In order to create stimulation and curiosity, the play materials on offer are changed regularly and according to the needs and interests of the children.

In addition to the group rooms, the respective childcare areas have access to functional rooms with different and changing play activities as well as two gyms and a garden for exploring, playing and learning.

Come and see our children's home for yourself at the open day:

27.01.2024 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Daily Schedule

Pedagogical daily routine

Routines and rituals help children of all ages to structure their day, develop a sense of time and develop independence. Consistent routines give the children a sense of security and help them to deal competently and calmly with changes in the daily routine.

The pedagogical content of our day is designed and selected according to the educational areas and goals in the Bavarian education and upbringing plan. In our day-to-day life together, however, we attach great importance to flexible structures that adapt to the needs of the children.

The overview table gives you an initial insight into the daily routines of the individual childcare areas.


In addition to the daily routine, some of the kindergarten children or the whole group have the following program points during the week:


Monday & Tuesday à Preschool

Thursday à nature day bird group

Thursday à gym day butterfly group

Friday à Nature day butterfly group

Friday à  Gym day bird group

Friday afternoon à German course




Meals in the children's home

Three meals a day are planned in each educational area:

  • Breakfast                                                                       
  • lunch                                                                               
  • Afternoon snack



Crèche: A varied and healthy breakfast is prepared for the children in the crèche. At breakfast together, the children have a choice of fruit, vegetables, bread, butter, cheese, sausage and jam.

Kindergarten: The flexible breakfast runs parallel to free play time.

During this time, the children can decide when they want to eat and sit down at the breakfast table with other children and eat from their lunch boxes. Before breakfast time ends, all children are reminded to eat breakfast again.

After-school care: During the school vacations, the children eat their own breakfast in our after-school care center.



Optionally, a warm lunch can be booked via the Kitafino app. We get the food from the Schwabach catering service Rosmarin. The varied menu can be viewed in the Kitafino app.


Afternoon snack

In the afternoon, the children are given another small snack in the form of fruit, vegetables, fruit puree, yogurt, muesli and crispbread.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 07/01/2025 10:00:51)