Großtagespflege "Känguruh Familienzentrum Schwabach e.V., Springmäuse" - Amina Aghoujdam

0 - 3 Jahre

Großtagespflege "Känguruh Familienzentrum Schwabach e.V., Springmäuse" - Amina Aghoujdam
Walpersdorfer Straße 23
91126 Schwabach
Funding authority
Känguruh Familienzentrum Schwabach e.V.
Walpersdorfer Straße 23
91126 Schwabach
09122/888226 (Amina Aghoujdam)
Opening times7:45 AM - 3:15 PM o'clock
Closing daysDo geschlossen

Current information

Für September 2025 sind nur noch wenige Restplätze verfügbar.


Introduction / Special features

Our family center offers a loving and nurturing environment for families and children. Attached to our center are 3 large daycare groups - our “Springmäuse” and “Erdmännchen” for children aged 0 to 3 years and our “schlaue Füchse” for children aged 6 to 10 years. In each group, a maximum of 8 to 10 children are looked after by 2 dedicated day carers. Our day carers provide individual and warm care that caters to the needs of each individual child.

It's a place where children can learn through play, grow and make new friends while being cared for in a safe and loving environment.




You will find our family center and the large daycare center very close to the public swimming pool in Walpersdorfer Straße in Schwabach.

Our “Erdmännchen” are in the rooms of the family center, while our “Springmäuse” have their home on the 1st floor right next door. Both groups have play and craft rooms as well as their own bedrooms for a restful nap.

Our large garden with a nest swing, slides and a sandpit offers plenty of space to run around and play. In our raised beds, we grow different foods such as strawberries, which we then eat in the groups, thereby giving the children an insight into the origins of food from an early age.

Our "schlaue Füchse", on the other hand, are located right in the city center of Schwabach. The large, spacious rooms allow the children to focus on their homework, eat together and, most importantly, play.


Outdoor Facilities

Daily Schedule

Daily routine “Springmäuse” and “Erdmännchen”

- Drop-off time 

- Morning circle 

- Breakfast 

- Free play 

- Lunch 

- Pick-up time

- Nap 

- Pick-up time 




In the morning we have breakfast together consisting of sandwiches, fruit and vegetables. At lunchtime we cook different fresh dishes every day.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 04/03/2025 13:03:16)