Christophorus Kindertagesstätte Zwieseltal

Krippe 12 Monate bis 3 Jahre; Kindergarten 3 Jahre bis Schuleintritt

Christophorus Kindertagesstätte Zwieseltal
Am Wasserschloß 3
91126 Schwabach
Funding authority
Evang.-luth. Kirchengemeinde Schwabach-Christophoruskirche
Am Wasserschloß 1
91126 Schwabach
0911/638895 (Tanja Baier)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysEine Woche Pfingsten.
Drei Wochen im August.
Zwei Wochen an Weihnachten.
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Therapeutic support early advancement
Extras care with lunch

Current information

Open Day

On 18.01.2025 the Open Day will take place in our institution from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Here you can visit the Kinderkrippe and the Kindergarten and get to know part of the team.

We look forward to seeing you.


Children are like butterflies in the wind - some fly higher than others, but they all fly as well as they can. Don't compare them with each other, because every child is uniquely wonderful and very special."

Children are one of life's greatest gifts - so curious and imaginative, so spontaneous and often bursting with joie de vivre. Promoting their development and creating the best possible conditions for this is the aim of the two Protestant parishes in Zwieseltal: the parish of Schwabach Christophoruskirche Wolkersdorf and the parish of Schwabach Dietersdorf. In the crèche and kindergarten, we do our utmost to ensure that the children entrusted to us receive loving care, appealing rooms and guidance that promotes their strengths and developmental progress. We offer the children opportunities to develop their faith and their trust in God.


Our daycare center is integrated into the grounds of the Schwabach-Christophoruskirche parish and is therefore located next to the church, the parish office and the parish house.

The facility is divided into the following rooms:

Kindergarten: 3 group rooms, each with 60 or 50 square meters, in which there is a children's kitchenette and various play areas. An intensive room is assigned to each group room. The checkrooms are located in the areas in front of the group rooms. The entrance area and corridor are equipped with a parent information, play and sensory wall, a food table, a library/reading corner, an experiment table and a play corner with a second level. There is also a parents' corner in the entrance area. There are also 2 washrooms with toilets, washbasins, showers and changing tables; 1 kitchen; 1 staff room; 1 gym

Each group has direct access from the group room to the garden.

The crèche (adjoining building) has 1 group room, 1 bedroom, 1 washroom and nappy-changing room, 1 kitchen, 1 staff room, 1 materials room, 1 cleaning room, a corridor area with play and sensory walls, an entrance area with parent information and checkrooms and 1 staff WC.

Outdoor Facilities


In our large outdoor area, the children have a variety of opportunities to move, play, balance and also to retreat.

All groups have direct access to the garden. Here, the children can play and run around independently during free play time. 

In our construction trailer, the children have the opportunity to work with hammers, nails and saws.

The crèche has its own garden. Here, too, the children have a wide range of activities to choose from.

Daily Schedule



07:00 - 09:00 Bring time

07:00 - 09:30 Free breakfast

08:00 - 12:00 Free play time, targeted activities, gymnastics, garden time

12:00 p.m. 1st pick-up time

12:00 - 12:30 Lunch together

12:30 - 16:00 2nd pick-up time (individual until 16:00), free play time, afternoon snack, garden time


● Krippe:

07:00 - 09:00 Bring time

07:30 - 09:30 Free breakfast

09:30 - 11:30 Free play time, targeted activities, garden time

11:30 - 12:00 Lunch together

12:00 p.m. 1st pick-up time

12:00 - 14:00 Sleeping or resting

14:00 - 16:00 2nd pick-up time (individual until 16:00), free play time, afternoon snack

Garden time


Open / flexible breakfast:

In all our groups there is the so-called open or sliding breakfast. This means that the child can go to breakfast between 7:00 and 9:20 am. A breakfast table is prepared for this in each group. The child can decide for themselves when they want to eat. They get the dishes they need from the cupboard themselves and then sit down at the dining table. The child eats there (independent preparation of breakfast) until it is finished or full and thus has the opportunity to assess its own hunger and promote its independence. Afterwards, they wash their own dishes and place the glass on the respective symbol on the drinks tray. The children are regularly reminded to eat breakfast and the teachers in the groups can keep an eye on who has eaten.

Lunch takes place together in each group, in the kindergarten at 12:00 and in the crèche at 11:30. As a rule, the child sits down at a set table. We find a common beginning by praying together. Afterwards, the child either eats the food they have brought from home or the food ordered from the caterer.

Breakfast and lunch together are important parts of our daily routine. Mealtimes with certain rules are useful for the group process and a communal experience. The child experiences sitting at a table together with other children, cultivating table culture and thus establishing social contacts.

Mealtimes in our daycare center also offer an opportunity for health education. The child at the daycare center is involved in the preparation of the fruit and vegetable plate as well as in the preparation of breakfast together. The child learns to treat food with respect. The topic of nutrition is also addressed through projects.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/10/2024 12:41:19)