BRK Kindertagesstätte "Flohkiste" Schwabach

1 - 3 Jahre Kinderkrippe 3 - Einschulung Kindergarten

BRK Kindertagesstätte "Flohkiste" Schwabach
Herderstraße 30
91126 Schwabach
Funding authority
BRK Kreisverband Südfranken
Rothenburger Straße 33
91781 Weißenburg
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days2 Wochen Weihnachten
1 Woche Pfingsten
3 Wochen Sommer
Foreign languages German
Extras care with lunch


This is who we are

The Flohkiste offers space for 48 crèche and 100 kindergarten children. The facility is sponsored by the Bavarian Red Cross.
Red Cross.
The bright, friendly rooms are age-appropriate and the newly designed, natural garden offers space to play and discover.
We are open to children from different backgrounds, regardless of religion or skin color. We are committed to integration, equality and solidarity and value life in the community.

What sets us apart

- We want to give children what they need for a stable relationship, education and development
- Recurring routines and rituals offer the child security for everyday life
- Cooperation between crèche and kindergarten, all groups meet once a week for a joint morning circle
- Kindergarten and crèche children spend the afternoon together
- Preschool takes place once a week (across groups)
- A joint breakfast takes place at regular intervals across all groups
- We always celebrate festivals together
- All employees regularly take part in further and advanced training courses
- A development discussion takes place at least once a year
- We support and advise parents on educational and developmental issues



Jeder Gruppenraum ist kindgerecht und individuell eingerichtet und in verschiedene Spielecken unterteilt. Somit bietet der Raum Möglichkeiten für selbstbildende Gruppen im Freispiel und eine Atmosphäre der Geborgenheit durch Rückzugsmöglichkeiten.

Einzelne Räume und Bereiche sind unterschiedlich ausgegliedert. Wir versuchen durch die gezielte Strukturierung bestimmter Bereiche den Grundbedürfnissen der Kinder gerecht zu werden. Deshalb werden immer wieder Veränderungen der Nutzung der Raumgestaltung vorgenommen.

Flure und Dielenbereiche werden als Spielfläche zusätzlich genutzt.

Outdoor Facilities

In 2021, in collaboration with parents, the daycare team and a certified natural garden specialist, a near-natural and biodiverse garden and playground with a wide variety of plant species and a habitat for diverse animal species was created. The different usage areas allow the children to experience nature through play.

Herbs are grown in raised beds to include other topics such as healthy eating. Various deadwood corners and a dragonfly pond have been created. The various elements help the nursery team to build up access to nature and our natural resources together with the children

Translated with (free version)

Daily Schedule

In order to make our work in the daycare center a little more transparent for "outsiders" and therefore easier to understand, we would now like to present a diagram of a daily routine.


Of course, this "sample day" is only one possibility of what a day could be like.



7.00 - 8.30 a.m                                Early service in the crèche, children arrive, free play

8.30 - 9.00 a.m.                               Morning circle, all children are there

9.00 a.m.                                          common or flexible breakfast time

10.00 a.m.                                        Free play/educational activities/preschool/excursions/garden

11.45 a.m.                                        1st pick-up time

12.00 p.m.                                        Lunch together

12.30 - 13.45                                    Quiet play/lunch break

13.45 - 14.00                                    2nd pick-up time

2.00 - 2.45 p.m.                                snack/learning workshops/free play

2.45 - 3 p.m.                                     3rd pick-up time

15.00 - 17.00                                    Free play/activities/garden

From 3 p.m.                                       flexible pick-up time


5 p.m.                                                  the daycare center closes



07.00 - 8.30 a.m.                         Children arrive, free play in the snail group
08.30 a.m.                                  Morning circle together
09.00 a.m.                                  Breakfast together
09.30 am                                    Relationship-oriented care
10.00 - 11.00 a.m.                       Free play/activities/excursions/garden
11.15 a.m.                                  Lunch together
11.45 - 12.00                              1st pick-up time
12.00 - 13.30                              Lunchtime nap
1.30 - 1.45 p.m.                         Getting up/relationship-oriented care
13.45 - 14.00                             2nd pick-up time
From 2.00 p.m.                          The crèche children go to kindergarten

17.00 The daycare center closes


Every Friday there is a big morning circle with all the Flohkiste children in the movement room.




Eating meals is of particular importance to us. In the mornings, snack time takes place until around 10 o'clock. This means that the children decide for themselves when and with whom they want to eat.


In the crèche, snacks are eaten together.

Breakfast is provided by the parents in both the kindergarten and the crèche.

Once a month there is a communal breakfast in the crèche.


We obtain our hot lunch from the caterer "Rein" in Roth. An external service provider "kitafino" is required for this. It is up to each family to decide whether they would like to use this service.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 10:37:46)