AWO Kinderkrippe "Schatzkiste"

Wir nehmen Kinder ab dem 12. Lebensmonat und bis zum Wechsel in den Kindergarten auf.

AWO Kinderkrippe "Schatzkiste"
Haydnstraße 11
91126 Schwabach
Funding authority
AWO Kreisverband Mittelfranken-Süd e.V.
Reichswaisenhausstraße 1
91126 Schwabach
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysOrientieren sich an den gesetzlichen Regelungen und den bayerischen Schulferien.
Specially educational concept partially open concept
Extras care with lunch

Current information

Open day

On Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 9-12 a.m. the open day will take place in our facility. If you are interested in a childcare place, you are cordially invited to get to know our facility and some of the team.


In the "Schatzkiste", 24 children between the ages of one and three are educated and cared for in a family atmosphere. We deliberately chose the nursery name "Schatzkiste" (treasure chest) because we are convinced that our educational work enables us to discover many precious treasures that the children entrusted to us carry within them.

"Every experience we have is a small treasure in the treasure chest of life"


The two group rooms "Zwetschgeneck" and "Kirschenstube", with their adjoining bedrooms for twelve children each, serve as familiar home groups with constant caregivers. This is where settling-in, the morning circle and bedtime take place in a familiar atmosphere. As the acclimatization process progresses and the children's exploratory behaviour increases, the corridor and group rooms also become increasingly open. In this way, the children find additional spaces to experience as well as other social contacts among the children and the educational staff.

In the separate kitchen and dining area, the children can concentrate fully on eating their meals.

The spacious garden, which is deliberately designed to be close to nature, offers a wide range of opportunities for experiences in nature.

Daily Schedule

Our daily routine is based on the needs of the group of children, is structured by routines and rituals and is organized and planned by us as an "educational day".

The fixed, familiar structure enables the children to move safely within the routines and to develop freely.

7:00 - 8:00      Early service in one group

8:00               Seperating into both groups

8:30 - 9:30      Morning circle and breakfast

9:30 - 11:15    Time of relational care and free educational time

11:15 - 11:45   Lunch

11:45 - 13:45   Bedtime

14:00              Combining the groups

13:45 - 15:00   Time of relational care, snack and closing time

Drop-off time:   flexible from 7 - 8:30, depending on the booking agreement

Pick-up times: 11:45 - 11:55 and flexibly from 13:45 - 14:55, depending on the booking agreement


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 10/12/2024 07:17:47)