AWO Kinderhort Goldspatzen


AWO Kinderhort Goldspatzen
Penzendorfer Straße 8
91126 Schwabach
Funding authority
AWO Kreisverband Mittelfranken-Süd e.V.
Reichswaisenhausstraße 1
91126 Schwabach
09122/86602 (Einrichtungsleitung Herr Bludau)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 8:00 AM o'clock
Closing dayssiehe Homepage
Specially educational concept child oriented education, partially open concept
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information

Termin: "Tag der offenen Tür" Sa 07.03.2026 / 10-12 Uhr


Welcome to the Goldspatzen day nursery

Being a child is a full-time job. Children romp, children play, children learn. At our Goldspatzen day nursery, we lovingly look after the future of our society. With us, a child can always be a child.

With rules, but without constraints. With care but without paternalism. With us, children have the opportunity to help organise the daily routine according to their own ideas and wishes.

We offer the children a trusting and cooperative environment that prepares them for the various situations in life and supports them in mastering the demands of school. In accordance with the principles of the AWO, we promote the interests, abilities and sense of responsibility of the children so that they grow up to be capable and self-confident members of our society.

Our "Goldspatzen" after-school care centre is located in the heart of Schwabach, right next to the Johannes-Helm-Schule. The children can therefore easily and independently reach the after-school care centre via the school playground. The Schwabach after-school care centre is a day care facility for school-age children from 6-11 years (1st - 4th grade). It offers space for a total of 80 children in four groups. There is the possibility to have a warm and child-appropriate lunch every day.

In our after-school care centre, we offer children a varied balance to everyday school life. The children find space and time to make friends and discover new things, but also opportunities to retreat to themselves. In our open activities, we offer the children a varied leisure programme + holiday programme and the opportunity to acquire a wide range of key skills. Sufficient exercise is particularly important for school children and their learning and development process. Our garden has plenty of space for running and romping around. We also have access to the Johannes-Helm-Schule school gym for various activities.

In our two homework rooms, the children can do their homework in a quiet working atmosphere together with educational staff. It is important to us to motivate the children to be independent and take responsibility for their own work, and homework supervision takes place on Mondays from 13:00 - 14:00 and 14:30 - 15:30 and Tuesdays to Thursdays from 13:00 - 14:00 and 14:00 - 15:00.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/03/2025 09:00:20)