Kindergarten St. Franziskus

2 - 6 Jahre

Kindergarten St. Franziskus
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 1
73614 Schorndorf
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchengemeinde Winterbach
Adlerstraße 13
73614 Schorndorf
07181/74243 (Frau Osswald)
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysSiehe Website.
Denomination catholic
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Emmi Pikler, Situation orientated approach
Extras language education

Current information



Catholic kindergarten St. Francis
"live together, grow together"

We are a Catholic kindergarten with extended opening hours from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and offer 44 places for children of all nationalities, from the age of two to starting school. Five of these are places for children under three years of age.

The sponsor of our kindergarten is the Catholic parish of the Assumption of Mary in Winterbach/Weiler, connected to the pastoral care unit in Schorndorf.

We work situation-oriented according to the Baden-Württemberg orientation plan. We place the child at the center of our upbringing and education by valuing them in their individuality and accepting them in their uniqueness as God's beloved child, as His creature and image.

Emmi Pikler's approaches to supporting the development of children under three are also included.


Our house has an open room concept so that we can offer the children a diverse and useful range of support. The various activity rooms (painting area, doll corner, construction corner, ball pit, exercise hall, etc.) are based on the development and creative ideas of the children and can therefore be changed.


  • Two group rooms
  • Building corner
  • Cozy corner
  • Ball pit
  • Children's workshop
  • Movement hall
  • Sanitary and cleaning area
  • Kitchen

You can find more pictures of our premises on our website:

Outdoor Facilities

We have a great, big outdoor area that runs around the kindergarten building. There is enough space for all children, play equipment and natural hiding places thanks to lush plants.
We use our garden every day and all year round. The children gain a variety of experiences, observe local insects and animals, experience the seasons and get creative with natural materials.

You can find more pictures of our outdoor area on our website:

Daily Schedule

Weeks / daily routine

Monday: Theme day - the children make offers on annual themes or small projects.

Tuesday: Nature day - we go into the surrounding nature with the children.

Wednesday: Theme day - the children make offers on annual themes or small projects.

Thursday: Action day - The children are divided into age groups and receive offers accordingly.

Friday: Chill out day - we meet once in the morning circle, the children spend the rest of the day in free play.


The children arrive at the kindergarten between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and start the day in one of the home group rooms (mice or bears). We open all play areas from 8:30 a.m. at the latest and meet at 9 a.m. in the respective regular groups for the morning meeting. The day begins there with songs, games, poems and prayers. Depending on the day of the week, different activities take place. Until around 11:00 a.m. the children are out and about in the various rooms offered or they accept one of the free offers. There is building, sawing, jumping and singing and there is always something going on during role play in the dress-up corner. From 11:00 a.m. at the latest it is time for our “fresh air offer”. The children have a variety of opportunities to explore the garden with all their senses in the outdoor area. 
The first pick-up time is at 12:30 p.m. The children are brought to their parents witch are waiting in front of the building. From 12:31 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., parents can come to the kindergarten flexibly and pick up their children there.


In our Kindergraten, the children bring a snack from home. Since we offer a so-called free snack, the children have the opportunity to take a snack break for the entire morning. The children are reminded to eat once a day so that everyone has enough energy to play.


We take part in the EU school fruit program and also receive a delivery once a week from a regional fruit and vegetable dealer. This  food  is  then  distributed  to  the  children  during  the  morning.

Having breakfast together once a month gives you the opportunity to prepare a delicious buffet together with parents.  Here we process regional and seasonal products. The children experience a meal time together.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/08/2024 09:33:30)