
altersübergreifende Gruppen

Schulstrasse 2
36110 Schlitz
Funding authority
Magistrat der Stadt Schlitz
An der Kirche 4
36110 Schlitz
06642 7113
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysEinrichtung schließt 2 Wochen in den Sommerferien
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, nature education, open work, partially open concept, project approach, Science/Project methods, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, for children with special educational needs, full day care

Current information


Dear parents!

We would like to welcome you as an educational partner in our day care center. In order to make the transition from the familiar environment harmoniously for you and your child, it is important for us to provide you with some information about our pedagogical work.

Our daycare centre is a family-supplementing institution where your child can experience care, education and education. We attach great importance to good cooperation with you. This allows us to pick up the child as an individual with his or her different characteristics from where he or she is.

We focus on the needs, wishes and interests of the children. Our basic attitude is characterized by acceptance, tolerance and appreciation. It is important to us that you and your child feel comfortable in our facility.

This concept should serve as a guideline for you to get to know the pedagogical work in our company. We cordially invite you to read the concept carefully. We wish you a lot of pleasure.

If you have any doubts or questions, you can contact us at any time. The pedagogical concept thrives on constant changes.

Our pedagogical concept is the guideline of our daily work. It is therefore important for us to give you a little insight with our concept.

Help me do it myself.

Show me how to do it.

Don’t do it for me.

I can and will do it alone.

Have patience to understand my ways.

They might be longer, maybe need

I have more time because I have several attempts

wants to make.

(Maria Montessori)

This quote accompanies us in our daily interaction. It is important to us to provide optimal support and support to the children entrusted to them in their various stages of development.

Pedagogical work in the care for children under the age of 3

There are constant reference persons in the group of young adults. The interior design and a structured daily routine are particularly important to give the child a safe environment in which to conquer his or her world independently. The educational partnership with the parents is of great importance in this family-supplementary institution. As well as a regular exchange between professionals and parents.

A major concern of our pedagogical work is to support and promote the children in their self-determination and independence.



Our rooms in the main building

Group rooms

Our rooms are painted in bright and friendly colours. Large window fronts let in plenty of natural light. The rooms consist of a second playground, a carpet and a doll’s corner. Each room is equipped with tables. These are used for lunch as well as for games and handicrafts.

Furthermore, in all groups there is enough game material to construct, first rule games and age-appropriate books.

The corridor area

Our long hallway is mainly used as a cloakroom, but also for playing. Each group uses the walls next to their group entrance to display painted pictures and also to pass on current information to the parents.

The Cuddly Room

This invites the children to rest and cuddle. It’s a retreat for our kids who are under the age of three.

The basement area

In the basement there is a laundry room for the children, the office, the creative room, as well as the gym with adjoining ball bath and material room.

The gym is equipped with carpeted floors. Here the children have the opportunity to satisfy their need for exercise. Exercise sites invite children to try out their physical abilities and skills. Guided gym lessons are offered on a regular basis.

In the creative room, children can experiment with colour, clay and shaving foam. Free and guided activities take place here.

We use the office for discussions with parents and employees.


Group room Zwerge

The group room is equipped with a window front and lets in plenty of natural light. The room is for the children above 3. A doll’s corner and a carpet invite the children to role-playing and building. Furthermore, there is a reading corner, as well as a games and puzzle corner.

Another niche is used as a creative corner.

Group room Wichtel

Our children under the age of 3 play here. The layout of the group room offers retreat options and space for different play activities. The group room mainly offers the opportunity to unfold on carpets and movement elements. Thus the children gain different movement experiences (climbing, crawling, overcoming heights, etc. ) Softballs, cloths, stuffed animals round off the feeling of security and are further play materials.

The play and craft materials are clearly arranged for the youngest children and easily accessible in the group room.

Gym room

The gymnasium has two functions. During the morning, the children can follow their urge to move. Guided gym lessons are also held there.

At noon the room is used by the midday children as a bedroom.

Our outdoor area

Both outdoor areas are equipped with a generous movement landscape. A paved area offers opportunities for children to use the diverse range of vehicles. There is also a playground and spacious outdoor area for playing and climbing. A sandy area offers space for buddling and exploring.

There are also two swings, a rocker, a carousel and a shop on the premises. Trees, hedges and meadow are integrated. A covered hall can be used.

The separate area in Jahnstraße is equipped with a slide, a nest swing, a sandpit and rocking animals for the Cildren under the age of 3. There are also Bobbycars and various other vehicles available to the children.


Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area

The outdoor area is equipped with a generous movement landscape. A paved area offers opportunities for children to use the diverse range of vehicles. There is also a playground and spacious outdoor area for playing and climbing. A sandy area offers space for buddling and exploring.

There are also two swings, a rocker, a carousel and a shop on the premises. Trees, hedges and meadow are integrated. A covered hall can be used.


Daily Schedule

A Day at our day care

 What are the kids doing?/ What do the pedagogical staff do?/ Comments?

7 a. m

The first children come and stay in a group

The morning service begins its work:

*Welcome the children

*Is contact person for children and parents

In the morning service the children come from both groups.

8 a. m

The core care period begins, and the children gradually come. Register in their parent groups and select venue, game partners, game materials and duration (within the free play time).

One kindergarten teacher per group welcomes and looks after the children and is the contact person for the parents.

Being a contact person for parents means: Short information is received and given. Since the teachers want to be there primarily for the children, appointments are arranged for parent meetings. That goes for the whole morning.

8. 15 a.m

Free play time

The principle is that we trust the child. It has the right to make decisions in all Areas where jointly agreed rules must be complied with. It is important for the employees to have children alone.

9 a. m

End of the bringing phase is 9. 00 a. m. so that every child
a joint start with the free game or the morning circle is made possible.

9. 15 a.m

Both group members will accompany the morning and the closing circle.

In the morning circle, all the issues concerning the group are addressed, birthdays are celebrated, the children present are counted, the missing children are named.

The offers are also presented. Each child chooses one of the presented offers. We attach great importance to participation and work situatively.

Free or shared breakfast.

Each child brings his or her own breakfast from home and has breakfast in his or her parent group.

On Fridays there is the “Healthy Breakfast". Educators prepare breakfast and eat together with the children.

We’ll make sure you have a sugar-free morning.

10 a. m

Pedagogical services

The activities are based on our weekly rhythm:

Creative sector
Movement construction sites
Early musical education
Walks (outdoor stay)
Language promotion
Offers are guided impulses for children who have a clear pedagogical objective and take place over a limited period of time. They demand Children out to learn, communicate fun to do and encourage you to experiment and try.

The courses are either developed from the situation of the group, are seasonal, serve to develop a topic or promote different abilities and skills.

11. 20 a.m

Joint clean-up

The employees serve as role models and take part in the clean-up.

The children should experience order as a matter of course. We’ll make sure that

that everything has a certain place.

11. 30 a.m

Closing circle in the stem groups and beginning of the pick-up phase

Both group employees accompany the morning and afternoon sessions.

the final circle for the day

Farewell to the half-day children.

12 noon


The educators act as role models and take part in the lunch table.

We pay attention to hygiene rules. The dishes are served in bowls. The children are allowed to take care of themselves. We take care to observe the table manners.

12. 30 p.m

Beginning of the rest period for all-day children in the "Hasen"group ,

Sleeping children sleep in the relaxation room.

Each sleeping child has its own bed with accessories which is provided with a name.

The sleep supervision is supervised by a teacher throughout. A story is read to the children to fall asleep. The rest period is based on the individual sleeping needs of the children.

12. 30 p.

Arrival of the afternoon children in the hedgehog group

The children are welcomed by a caregiver.

12. 30 p.m

Free play for afternoon and day care children

Children can again select the play location, play partner, play materials and play duration (within the free play time).


Singing and playing circle

Play ideas and wishes of the children are taken into account by the educators.

2. 45 p. m.


Staff prepare a tea cart with drinks.

We pay attention to hygiene rules and observance of table manners.


Free play time

We are guided by the wishes of our children:

*Outdoor stay

*Creative space



4. 30pm

Pick-up phase for the afternoon children

Each child is asked to clean up his or her play materials when they are picked up. The educators have a supporting role in this.

The day care children can be picked up at any time during the afternoon operation.





Lunch is freshly delivered daily by the restaurant Porta. We accompany the children during lunch in a harmonious atmosphere. We pay attention to table manners and to a careful interaction.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 04/03/2024 11:22:42)