Kindergarten Obereggenen

Kindergarten Obereggenen
Rathausplatz 5
79418 Schliengen
Funding authority
Gemeinde Schliengen
Wasserschloß Entenstein 1
79418 Schliengen
07635/1774 (Simone Böhme)
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing days28
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information


In our two-group facility, children are cared for in a toddler group (age 2 - 3 years) and a kindergarten group (2.9 years to school entry). Our educational concept is based on the Baden-Württemberg orientation plan for education and upbringing.
We are also guided by the following educational approaches:
- Situation-oriented approach
- Everyday integrated language education
- Inclusion

For us, the well-being of the children and their holistic support and development into independent personalities is at the forefront of our educational work. A structured daily routine and rituals give the children orientation and security.

The acclimatization process, based on the Berlin acclimatization model, is age-appropriate and individual. This enables your child to make a smooth transition from the family to the kindergarten and to establish a stable bond with new caregivers in everyday kindergarten life.

We attach particular importance to regular communication with parents about our educational work and constructive cooperation with them as educational partners.

This includes discussions as required, door-to-door talks, meetings with parents after settling in, annual development talks on your child's birthday, parents' evenings and other events for parents.

Regular participation in further and advanced training for teaching staff ensures the quality and further development of our pedagogical and structural work. This also enables us to react to social changes and needs.

Our educational work is supported and complemented by cooperation with other daycare facilities in the community, the elementary school, the music school and other external specialist agencies such as the specialist advisory service, district office, health department, dental health, fire department and police.

We would like to support you as a family-accompanying and complementary institution through a cooperative partnership for the benefit of your child.

Further information can be found in our concept.

We look forward to welcoming you and your children.



The Obereggenen kindergarten has a group room for the kindergarten children (rainbow group, age 2.9 - school entry) and a group room for the toddlers (sun group, age 2-3 years).

Within the kindergarten, the children have various rooms with different functions at their disposal, which can meet a wide range of children's needs. The group room is of particular importance here, as the children spend a large part of the day here and the room must therefore combine many functions and needs.

The following functional areas can be found in both group rooms:

    Construction area
    Puppet and role-play area
    Reading area
    Craft and creative area
    Space for regular games, puzzles etc.
    Quiet area

Each group also has a second level for the children to play on.

In the rain group there is also a small adjoining room, which currently houses the construction area.


The facility also has

    a shared corridor area with the respective checkrooms, as well as various play options (e.g. sensory board, box column, activity tubs, etc.)
    a multifunctional room (for small group activities, pre-school units, service meetings, parent-teacher conferences)
    a shared washroom, including nursery and toddler toilets
    WC with baby changing area
    Cleaning and materials rooms

Outdoor Facilities

The kindergarten has a large garden. Here the children have access to a shady chestnut tree, berry bushes and raised beds for gardening and snacking.

There are also various other play areas:

    Sandpit in the upper area
    Sandpit with mud pit in the lower garden area
    Covered area with tables and chairs for painting and handicrafts
    Climbing frames
    Slide on the hill with tunnel area
    Swings and seesaw
    Hedges and bushes for climbing and hiding
    Balance beam and climbing wall
    Various vehicles
    Space for sand toys, vehicles, etc.

Daily Schedule

At our facility, the children experience a daily routine that is structured by fixed times for certain activities. This gives the children security and orientation, takes into account their biological rhythm, their need for food, movement, stimulation, play, rest and relaxation.


Our structure:

    7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Arrival/greeting and free play time
    First individualized breakfast (only in the rainbow group)
    9:00 a.m. Morning circle
    approx. 9:30 a.m. joint (partly second) breakfast
    from approx. 10:00 a.m. free play, changing and activity time
    Individual tidying up and garden time (depending on the day and situation)
    from 12:15 p.m. 1st pick-up time
    from 12:45 p.m. warm lunch
    from 13:00 2nd pick-up time


We mainly work in our regular groups. However, it is possible for the children to visit the neighboring group.  There are also cross-group offers and activities.


Additional regular activities:

    Gymnastics / movement landscape, we can use the Blauenhalle for movement activities
    SBS (singing-moving-speaking) with an external music teacher
    A former colleague visits the groups alternately as a reading mentor
    Pre-school unit of the Smart Foxes (school starters)
    Our facility participates in the EU School Fruit Program (for more information, visit:


                                               Festivals and celebrations


Celebrating festivals in the kindergarten is very important. Recurring festivals and customs give the children a feeling of safety and security.

We celebrate

    Festivals throughout the year, also across groups (e.g. St. Martin's Day, St. Nicholas Day, Easter)
    an annual joint celebration (e.g. summer party)
    Group-internal celebrations (e.g. Advent coffee)


Breakfast and lunch

The children bring their breakfast from home (e.g. bread, yogurt/muesli, fruit, etc.) and drinks in their own drinking bottles.  The children also have access to water and tea.
Breakfast is eaten together after the morning circle.
In the rainbow group, the children have the opportunity to eat individually before the morning circle.

Hot lunch:
We offer a warm lunch at the facility. This is supplied by an external provider and prepared for the children by a chef.
Families have the option of registering their children individually for this every day.
A separate fee is charged for this.
Lunch is shared by the children in both groups.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/12/2023 12:57:23)