Kindergarten "St. Georg"

1-7 Jahre

Kindergarten "St. Georg"
Kirchweg 1
26683 Saterland
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchengemeindeverband Pastoraler Raum Friesoythe
Franziskusplatz 2
26169 Friesoythe
04498 473 / 0152 56320723 (Susanne Jakobi)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Tage pro Jahr
Foreign languages German
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept partially open concept, project approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information

Dear parents, we are delighted that you have found us. We are open and curious about you and your child. We warmly welcome you.

The special feature or our daycare is that all children (exept those in the crèche) receive a catering service. This means that a balanced breakfast buffet it offered. This is binding for parents/guardians and currently costs an average of €18.00.


At our St. Georg day care centre, it is very important for us, to be enable the children to form emotional bonds. Emotional attachment ensures a child`s survival from infancy and remains important throughout the rest of their lives.

A securely attached child has confidence in the reliability of the nursery teachers as attachment figures and explores its environment undisturbed and confidently in their presence.

We want to create opportunities for this in the daily routine.

We want your child to make as many autonomous decisions as possible. Because your child has an idea of which interests they want to pursue, we want to accompany them. To this end, we regularly reflect on our educational activities. We offer rooms and sufficient material to try things out. Together with the children, we develop their ideas further.

The guiding principle of the reform pedagogue Maria Montessori reflects our actions very well:

"Help me to do it myself. Show me how to do it.

Don`t do it for me. I can and want to do it  on my own!

Have patience to understand my ways. They may be longer, I may need more time because I want to make more attempts.

Allow myself mistakes and endeavours, because I can learn from them!"

(M. Montessori)


Descriptions of the pictures unn from left to right.descriptions of the pictures unn from left to right.

This is the group room of our all-day group. The other group rooms have the same layout.

The rainbow room is a place for rest, massages and dream journeys.

The climbing castle in the nursery corridor is the highlight for movement. Here, the children also like to build caves or construct with giant building blocks.

The children are happiest in the gym. This is also possible in the early off-peak hours and on the fixed gym day. We also hold parents' evenings here.

The star room is the focus room for music and also for religious units. It is also a good place for reading books aloud. The monthly volunteer reading project also takes place here.

Our crèche (1-3 year olds) was opened in 2010. It has 1 group room, 1 bedroom, 1 large hallway and a washroom with facilities for splashing around.

We always keep an eye on the church. We visit it regularly for services of the word or to experience the church interior.


Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area is characterized in particular by our beautiful wooden climbing castle. There, the children have the opportunity to try their hand at climbing, shimmying, sliding or whizzing down the fire department slide.

In addition to our swings, gymnastic poles and ground trampoline, our sandpit has a large mud area.


In our open breakfast program, the children not only experience regional and seasonal foods, but also expand their taste experiences by eating breakfast together.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/11/2024 10:24:38)