Katholische Kindertagesstätte St. Jakobus

2 Jahre bis Schuleintritt

Katholische Kindertagesstätte St. Jakobus
Am Römerhang 2
65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein
Funding authority
Kath. Pfarrei heilig Kreuz Rheingau
Zollstraße 8
65366 Geisenheim
06722 3372 (Hr. Anspach)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere KiTa ist ganzjährig geöffnet, bis auf einzelne Schließtage zwischen den Jahren, Rosenmontag, Freitag nach Christi Himmelfahrt, Fronleichnam, Fortbildungen und Konzeptionstage.
Denomination catholic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, nature education
Extras Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, full day care, language education
Pets Besonders ist der tierpädagogische Ansatz unserer Einrichtung. Unsere KiTa-Katze „Felix“ ist ein fester Bestandteil unseres Teams. Tiere beeinflussen die Kindesentwicklung positiv. In erster Linie suchen und finden die kleinsten in einem Tier Geborgenheit und Sicherheit. Wenn sich Kinder positiv entwickeln sollen, gehört Liebe und Respekt gegenüber Tieren, Pflanzen und der Umwelt dazu. Aus diesem Grund ist auch der Anbau von Nahrungsmitteln unser Beitrag zur Wertschätzung der Schöpfung. Die Vermittlung von Naturwissenschaften geschieht dabei ganz nebenbei auf unserem großen Aussengelände.

Current information

The daycare St. Jakobus in a central and idyllic location, surrounded by small gardens, lots of trees and green spaces. For the safety of the children, the direct route to the day-care centre is closed to public traffic.


Mission statement

‘Take me by the hand and accompany me part of the way so that I can learn to walk on my own.’

We are a Catholic daycare that incorporates Christian values and the teaching of faith into our daily work.

By treating the children with warmth and love, we aim to achieve optimum individual support for each child.


Language and language development

The daycare St. Jakobus places particular emphasis on language education in everyday life and considers this to be one of its most important tasks. The federal programme supports the "Sprachkita" with an additional educational specialist who works on the implementation of the programme within the daycare.


Animal-assisted pedagogy

The animal pedagogical approach of our centre is special. Our cat ‘Felix’ is an integral part of our daycare and our team.

Animals have a positive influence on children's development. First and foremost, the youngest children seek and find security and safety in an animal.

If children are to develop positively, the love and respect for animals, plants and the environment are essential.

For this reason, the cultivation of food is also our contribution to the appreciation of creation. The teaching of natural sciences takes place in and on our large outdoor area.

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